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PROCSEE as a vehicle for PHE Policy in CSEE

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1 PROCSEE as a vehicle for PHE Policy in CSEE
Experiences from CZECH REPUBLIC

What is PHE in your country? Non-university type of HEI (according law) (EQF 6) Diploma – Bachelor Vocational/Professional schools (EQF 6) Diploma - Diploma specialist New regulation on accreditation for HE sector (2016) – „professional profile“ of study programme How does it differ from VET / Academic HE VET vs. Vocational school similar: 18+, ECTS Academic HE vs. Non-university type: work placement in curriculum, governance structure

3 General Statistics How many experts did you involve nationally?
30 experts (vocational schools, academic board of HEIs, non-university HEIs, ministry of education, 3 chambers of commerce, professional bodies of nursing, social care) How many meetings did you have? 3 national committees (NCEPHE), 3 stakeholder consultations so far (2 more planned), 5 dissemination events 18 case studies

4 Main Lessons learned Low recognition of PHE and not priority for government Short termism in educational policy – ad hoc projects with low sustainability (lack of financial and other resources – operational grants?) Projects as PROCSEE open doors to stakeholders and for policy consultations

5 Alignment of PHE with Regional Strategies
Main Activities Our Association in next years Building of regional stakeholders´ networks Eg. Project aimed at curricula development with regional stakeholders´ involvement at a big regional university Our Main Demands from Government Involvement of regional dimension into quality assurance and funding measures/instruments

6 Promotion of PHE in Response to Skill Shortages
Main Activities Our Association in next years Interlinking PHE sector and chambres of commerce Our Main Demands from Government Establish better coordination between ministry of education and other ministeries (high sectorialism)

7 Organising and Monitoring Student Placements
Main Activities Our Association in next years Development of environments and instruments for PHE-business cooperation (placements, mentoring, toolkits) Our Main Demands from Government Systematic involvement of student placements and its quality in accreditation process

8 Personalised Learning Environments
Main Activities Our Association in next years Support for networking of educational institutions and PLE environments (via conference) Our Main Demands from Government Recognition of modularisation and prior learning (qualification units)

Main Activities Our Association in next years Sustainability of previous projects in the „reality“ Our Main Demands from Government Complex PHE policy Clarification of accreditation of „professional profile“ study programmes Reflection of lessons learnt from project in future – operational grants

10 Our PROCSEE Experience
Setting Policy Priorities through National Stakeholder Consultation Untrust to European projects many good practises but lack of sharing and coordination Sharing Experience with Experts & Associations at European Fora Boosting arguments for national PHE development Best Practice Collection & Sharing Valuable case sharing Some conceptual misunderstandings Write your comments – positive and/or negative Future mission of PROCSEE web site?

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