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Russian revolution Reading Questions

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1 Russian revolution Reading Questions
We share all answers… Karl Marx would be happy

2 1 Why were Russians unhappy in the early 1900’s?
Russians were unhappy because peasants had to pay high taxes, other ethnic groups were mistreated, they wanted a voice in the government and they wanted better working conditions and pay.

3 2 How did the war between Russia and Japan effect Russia’s economy?
The war was expensive which resulted in the rise of food prices and a decrease in wages.

4 3 What were workers asking for in the petition during the uprising in 1905? Workers were asking for national assembly, freedom of speech and religion, and better conditions for workers and peasants.

5 4. What was the Duma and why was it created?
The Duma was a national assembly created to give people more a voice in the government due to the public’s outrage over Bloody Sunday.

6 5 Why did Russia have more soldier casualties during WWI than any other country? Russia had more casualties because they lacked factories and transportation to provide soldiers with supplies.

7 6 What happened during the February Revolution?
The people rebelled against the Czar forcing him to step down from his throne. Members of the Duma formed a temporary democratic government.

8 7 Who was the leader of the Bolsheviks and what did they promise to the people if they took power? Vladimir Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks. He promised to give the people freedom, land, and bread

9 8 What was the result of the October Revolution?
Lenin came to power and created the first Communist government under the USSR

10 9 What two other names were the Bolsheviks known as?
The Bolsheviks were also known as communists or reds

11 10 Why did the Allies send the Whites aid during WWI?
The Allies sent aid to the Whites because they wanted Russia to rejoin the war

12 11 Why did the Whites eventually lose the Civil War?
They were outnumbered, disorganized and poorly equipped.

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