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Science Starter #1 Take out a piece of paper, write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin What are the two main factors of gravitational.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Starter #1 Take out a piece of paper, write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin What are the two main factors of gravitational."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Starter #1 Take out a piece of paper, write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin What are the two main factors of gravitational force? What is the difference between weight and mass? 9/5 D=M/V Varies

2 What is the difference between terminal velocity and free fall?
Science Starter #2 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin What is the difference between terminal velocity and free fall? 9/8 Ask a question, make a hypothesis, test hypothesis, collect data, analyze results, draw conclusions, and communicate results Varies

3 Science Starter #3 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
1) Why does a ball thrown horizontally follow a path that is curved downward? 2) Give an example of projectile motion. 9/9 International system of units Physical, conceptual, and mathematical 3) A theory is a system of ideas that explains observations and is supported by scientific evidence and a law is a statement or equation that reliably predicts events under certain conditions.

4 Science Starter #4 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
According to the 1st Law, what happens to an object in motion? What is inertia? 9/10 Varies log it into your period’s folder when you miss an assignment and initial when the assignment is actually in the folder and write the date when it was turned in.

5 Science Starter #5 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
What is the second law of motion? What would happen if a cannonball and a baseball dropped from the same height and there is no air resistance? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

6 Science Starter #6 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
Is the reaction force of a chair you are sitting on equal or greater than your weight? What is a common unbalanced force that acts on objects in motion? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

7 Science Starter #7 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
To cause a spacecraft to orbit it needs two forces, what are they? What would happen to a spacecraft if there was no gravity? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

8 Science Starter #8 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
What is it called when gravity is equal to air resistance? How does the second law of motion apply to rocket and/or space? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

9 Science Starter #9 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
What has been your favorite lab in Physics so far? Why? What can you do this weekend that will include either one of the 3 Laws of Motion? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

10 Science Starter #10 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
Where do you see Newton’s 2nd Law on a roller coaster? Where do you see friction on a roller coaster? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

11 Science Starter #11 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
Where does the 1st Law of Motion apply on your rollercoaster? What forces are involved for net force on your rollercoaster? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

12 Science Starter #12 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
Where does air resistance happen on your roller coaster? How do you think you are going to do on this test? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

13 Why do you think a boat floats? What is the formula for density?
Science Starter #13 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin Why do you think a boat floats? What is the formula for density? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

14 What is buoyant force? Why do you think objects sink?
Science Starter #14 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin What is buoyant force? Why do you think objects sink? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

15 Science Starter #15 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
What happens to pressure as depth increases? What is the formula for pressure? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

16 How does fluid flow? How do you find the volume of an irregular solid?
Science Starter #16 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin How does fluid flow? How do you find the volume of an irregular solid? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

17 Science Starter #17 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
Where is atmospheric pressure the greatest: at sea level or on a mountaintop? As altitude increases, what happens to pressure? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

18 Why is a bubble round? What causes an object to buoy up?
Science Starter #18 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin Why is a bubble round? What causes an object to buoy up? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

19 Science Starter #19 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
If an object is floating, is the buoyant force equal or is it greater than the weight of the object? What is Archimedes’ Principle? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

20 Science Starter #20 Write the title, copy the question, today’s date, and begin
What are forces that act on a person leaning against a pole at a bus stop? What is magnitude? 9/11 Motion is an object’s change in position relative to a reference point The difference between speed and velocity is that velocity has direction

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