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Chaotic plurocracy – share

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1 Chaotic plurocracy – share
Read your partner’s homework.

2 What happened in the Nazis foreign policy and why did this happen
What happened in the Nazis foreign policy and why did this happen? C aim – to explain the key events of Nazi foreign policy and why they happened B/A aim - to explain the key events of Nazi foreign policy and why they happened in detail and link in their ideology Germany annexed Austria in This is often called ‘Anschluss’. This is a photograph taken in Vienna when the Nazi troops marched into the city. What does this suggest about Nazi foreign policy?

3 Event in Nazi foreign policy
Why did this occur? Fill your tables in using your knowledge and pp looking at the subheadings and diagrams. Annotate each event on the map with the date and what happened.

4 Event in Nazi foreign policy
Why did this occur? How does Nazi ideology relate to this event?

5 Event in Nazi foreign policy
Why did this occur? How does Nazi ideology relate to this event? Rhineland 1936 Anschluss 1938 Sudetenland 1938 Czechoslovakia 1939 Poland 1939 Expanding across Europe and Northern Africa Retreating across Europe and Northern Africa


7 Why was Nazi foreign policy initially so successful?
How efficient does war production appear? British PM Chamberlain

8 Why does it all start to go wrong?

9 How far did people consent to the Nazis foreign policy?

10 When we consider foreign policy how far are people ruled by terror and repressed?

11 Did Nazi foreign policy show that the Nazis operated under one strong single dictator?

12 Homework – due Monday 13th April
Revise all red boxes and show me some notes. Complete a revision exercise from the white Kaiser to Fuhrer boxes about one of your red boxes. Complete a timed a or b type essay, whichever one your marks aren’t usually as good for!

13 Use Sources 4, 5 and 6 and your own knowledge.
‘Hitler was a dictator who did not dictate.’ How far do you agree with this opinion? Explain your answer, using Sources 4, 5 and 6 and your own knowledge of the issues related to this controversy. (Total for Question 6 = 40 marks)

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