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Summary of what we learned yesterday

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1 Summary of what we learned yesterday
Basics of C++ Format of a program Syntax of literals, keywords, symbols, variables Simple data types and arithmetic operations Assignment operator Standard input (cin) and output (cout) Today we will look at: More data types More complex arithmetic operations More on assignment operator

2 Announcements Add/Drop HW1 will be assigned TODAY at SUCourse
Each section’s capacity is increased by 3, new B5 is opened All sections full now HW1 will be assigned TODAY at SUCourse Due October 12 Wednesday at 19:00 For homework assignments and submissions, we are using SUCourse Homework will be explained in recitations with some important explanations about the homework submission procedure Submission is a tricky process, please do attend the recitations in order not to make a mistake No late homework without penalty One late day is allowed at cost of 10% of full grade Plagiarism is not tolerated Homeworks are to be done personally we use software tools to detect plagiarized homework first case –100 (minus hundred), second fails the course! detailed policy is on the web site of the course Two Midterm Exams + Final Exam Midterm 1: November 14th Monday 19:40 – 21:30   Midterm 2: December 12nd Monday 19:40 – 21:30  

3 Data Types string char used it in previous lectures
more technically, string is a class char for single character digits, letters, symbols uses up one byte range why? one byte (8 bits) can store 28 = 256 different values. stores the code of the character e.g. 65 for ‘A’ character arithmetic is possible (will see later) char literals are in single quotes (strings are in double quotes ") 'z' 'T' '4' '&' bool boolean (will see later)

4 Numeric Types to represent integer and real numbers int
integer numbers no infinity in computers  limited range 2 or 4 bytes (16 or 32 bits) depending on the computer and compiler you use in our case: 4 bytes (32 bits) integer range: – 32, ,767 for 16-bit computers why? –2,147,483, ,147,483,647 for 32-bit computers

5 Numeric Types (cont’d)
short int (or just short ) always 16-bit integer long int (or just long ) always 32-bit integer signed versus unsigned integers you can put signed or unsigned keywords before the type we discussed signed integers signed is default unsigned integers use the same amount of bits but ranges are different 16-bit: ,535 (216 –1) 32-bit: ,294,967,295 (232 –1)

6 Numeric Types (cont’d)
Real numbers in C++ Real literals e21 Real data types (their difference is in precision) float consumes 4 bytes Range: 0 U [ e– e+38] U [ e– e+38] Tapestry does like float double consumes 8 bytes Range: 0 U [ e– e+308] U [ e– e+308] Standard but a bit complex representation see “floating point representation” item in MSDN Library index:

7 More on C++ types Check out these items in MSDN Library Index
Fundamental types more on C++ types LIMITS.H header file (Microsoft Visual Studio\VC98\Include) limits of integer and char types MSDN help on Integer Limits floating limits (FLOAT.H) limits for the floating points numbers (float, double) MSDN help on Floating Limits floating point representation if you are interested in to learn how the real numbers are represented in computers MSDN help

8 Arithmetic Operations
Operators: * / % Operands: values that operator combines variables or literals Combination of operators and operands is called expression Syntax and semantics for arithmetic operations: Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division Modulus 23 + 4 23 * 4 21 / 4 is 5 x + y x * 3.0 21 / 4.0 is 5.25 18 % 2 is 0 d – d * 23.1 * 4 x / 4 x % 4 5 – 3 * 2 x / y x % y Talk about the result of the operations in red in the table

9 Arithmetic Operations (cont’d)
Mixed type expressions what if one operator is int other is double? integer is converted into double before operation 5.0 * is 40.0 5 / is 0 (integer division) 5.0 / is 0.5 (real division) 10 – 8 is 2 (integer) 10 – is 2.0 (double)

10 Expressions with several operators
You can use parentheses in expressions to group them Open ( and close ) parentheses should match Rule 1: Parenthesized sub-expressions are evaluated first inside to out Rule 2: Within an expression/subexpression if there are several operators, use operator precedence, evaluate * / % before + - Rule 3: If the operators are in the same expression/subexpression and at the same precedence level, then associativity rule applies evaluate operators from left-to-right Examples (5 - 3 * (7 - 3)) * is -56 10 / 2 * 6 / 2 + (5 - 3 * (2 - 1)) is 17

11 Expressions with several operators
Are the following expressions equivalent? (40 – 32) * 5 / 9 (40 – 32) * (5 / 9) NO, first one is 4, second one is 0 What about this? (40 – 32.0) * 5 / 9 Operations are double operations. Result is Are these operators sufficient? how to calculate square root? Later we’ll study functions like sqrt, cos, sin, pow, … For complicated mathematical operations that you cannot easily do using basic operators Accessible using #include <cmath> (or <math.h>)

12 Integer vs. Real Real values can be assigned to Integer variables, but this is not recommended since we loose precision int a; double r; r = ; a = r; What is the value of a? 125 Real value is truncated before storing in an integer variable Avoid doing this VS 2010 Compiler warns you but does not give error Be careful when passing arguments to parameters as well passing an integer argument to a double parameter causes the same precision problem

13 Integer vs. Real (More on Precision)
What is the difference between red and blue parts in the following program (fahrcels.cpp)? red: integer arithmetic (low precision) blue: real arithmetic (high precision) int main() { int ifahr; double dfahr; cout << "enter a Fahrenheit temperature "; cin >> ifahr; cout << ifahr << “ F = “ << (ifahr - 32) * 5/9 << " Celsius" << endl; cout << "enter another temperature "; cin >> dfahr; cout << dfahr << “ F = “ << (dfahr - 32) * 5/9 return 0; } See Figure 3.4 in the textbook.

14 Overflow See daysecs.cpp
Overflow occurs when the result of an integer expression is outside the limits Run the program with 365 days result: seconds  correct result and output 14500 days result: seconds  correct result and output 25129 days result: seconds  incorrect result and output due to overflow 65400 days result: seconds  incorrect result and output due to overflow

15 More on Assignment operator (4.1 & 4.3.4)
Assignment operator is = to store values in variables variable = expression; first the right hand side expression is evaluated using the current values then the evaluated expression is stored in variable Types should be compatible, otherwise a syntax error may occur (e.g. string variable, integer expression), or precision is lost (e.g. integer variable, real expression) Example: what is the value of a after the assignment? int a, b; b = 25; a = 8; a = b – 3 * a + 2; Answer: 3 A rule: Right hand side expression is evaluated before the assignment operator is executed. If you use the left hand side variable in the right hand side expression as well, then the current value is used in the expression. See Program 4.1 in textbook.

16 More on Assignment operator (4.1 & 4.3.4)
Assigning single expression to several variables variable1 = variable2 = variable3 = ... variablen = expression; all variables are assigned the same value of expression example: int x, y, z; x = y = z = 5; x, y and z contain 5 Arithmetic assignment operators += -= *= /= %= Combines arithmetic operation and assignment in one operator variable += expression is the same as variable = variable + expression Example: x += 1 is the same as x = x + 1 Same for -= *= /= and %= x -= x *= 3 x /= 2 and x %= 2

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