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Science 9: Unit B – Matter and Chemical Change

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1 Science 9: Unit B – Matter and Chemical Change
Lesson 2-2: Chemical and Physical Properties

2 Physical vs. Chemical Physical Property Chemical Property
can be observed without changing the identity of the substance Chemical Property describes the ability of a substance to undergo changes in identity

3 B. Physical vs. Chemical Examples: physical melting point chemical
flammable density magnetic tarnishes in air

4 Physical vs. Chemical Physical Change Chemical Change
changes the form of a substance without changing its identity properties remain the same Chemical Change changes the identity of a substance products have different properties

5 Physical vs. Chemical Signs of a Chemical Change
change in color or odor formation of a gas formation of a precipitate (solid) change in light or heat

6 Physical vs. Chemical Examples: chemical rusting iron physical
dissolving in water burning a log melting ice grinding spices

7 Classify Each of the following as Physical or Chemical Properties
The boiling point of ethyl alcohol is 78°C. Physical property – describes inherent characteristic of alcohol – boiling point Diamond is very hard. Physical property – describes inherent characteristic of diamond – hardness Sugar ferments to form ethyl alcohol. Chemical property – describes behavior of sugar – forming a new substance (ethyl alcohol) 6

8 Changes in Matter Physical Changes are changes to matter that do not result in a change of the fundamental components that make that substance State Changes – boiling, melting, condensing Chemical Changes involve a change in the fundamental components of the substance Produce a new substance Chemical reaction Reactants  Products 8

9 Classify Each of the following as Physical or Chemical Changes
Iron is melted. Physical change – describes a state change, but the material is still iron Iron combines with oxygen to form rust. Chemical change – describes how iron and oxygen react to make a new substance, rust Sugar ferments to form ethyl alcohol. Chemical change – describes how sugar forms a new substance (ethyl alcohol) 10

10 Table salt is stirred into water (left), forming a homogeneous mixture called a solution (right)

11 No chemical change occurs when salt water is distilled

12 Properties of Matter song
List of chemical changes possible. Description by senses – shape, color, odor, etc. Measurable properties – density, boiling point, etc. PROPERTIES Old substance destroyed. New substance formed. New form of old substance. No new substances formed. CHANGE CHEMICAL PHYSICAL

13 List of Physical Properties
Chemical Changes Viscosity Density Solubility Colour Texture Odor Temperature State Boiling/Freezing/Melting Point Color Change New substance created Gas Produced

14 Lab 2-1 Chemical and Physical Properties
You will need to compete a lab report for this lab!

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