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Warm up: Match: Constant Linear Quadratic Cubic x3 – 2x 7

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1 Warm up: Match: Constant Linear Quadratic Cubic x3 – 2x 7

2 -4x2 + 2x – 1 lead co: -4 quadratic trinomial
HW answers: -4x2 + 2x – 1 lead co: -4 quadratic trinomial 5y2 – 3y quadratic trinomial 14w4 + 9w binomial -4t4 + 3t3 – 9t2 – polynomial 4y linear monomial -8a2 + 39a quadratic trinomial -a4 + 3a3 + 3a2 + a 5y2 + 7 3x2 – 6x 7x4 – x3 – 7x2 + 5x – 9 8y3 + 2y2 + 9y – 11 -4a2 + 4a – 1 -y3 + 8 2a3 – 7a2 + a + 7




6 Objective The student will be able to:
multiply two polynomials using the FOIL method, Box method and the distributive property.

7 There are three techniques you can use for multiplying polynomials.
Distributive Property FOIL Box Method

8 1) Multiply. (2x + 3)(5x + 8) Using the distributive property, multiply 2x(5x + 8) + 3(5x + 8). 10x2 + 16x + 15x + 24 Combine like terms. 10x2 + 31x + 24 A shortcut of the distributive property is called the FOIL method.

9 FOIL Method The FOIL method is ONLY used when you multiply 2 binomials. It is an acronym and tells you which terms to multiply.

10 FOIL F O I L First terms Outer terms Inner terms Last terms

11 FOIL Method (x – 3)(x + 1)

12 FOIL Method FIRST (x – 3)(x + 1) x2

13 FOIL Method OUTER (x – 3)(x + 1) x2 + x

14 FOIL Method INNER (x – 3)(x + 1) x2 + x - 3x

15 FOIL Method LAST (x – 3)(x + 1) - 3 x2 + x - 3x

16 FOIL Method Combine like terms
(x – 3)(x + 1) - 3 x2 + x - 3x x2 – 2x - 3

17 FOIL Method (2x +2)(3x – 4)

18 FOIL Method FIRST (2x +2)(3x – 4) 6x2

19 FOIL Method OUTER (2x +2)(3x – 4) 6x2 - 8x

20 FOIL Method INNER (2x +2)(3x – 4) - 8x 6x2 + 6x

21 FOIL Method LAST (2x +2)(3x – 4) 6x2 - 8x + 6x - 8

22 FOIL Method Combine like terms
(2x +2)(3x – 4) 6x2 - 8x + 6x - 8 6x2 - 2x - 8

23 Sneedlegrit: Multiply (y + 4)(y – 3) Which is correct?
E. y2 + y – 12 F. y2 – y + 12 G. y2 + 7y + 12 H. y2 – 7y + 12

24 Sneedlegrit: Multiply (2a – 3b)(2a + 4b) Which is correct?
4a2 + 14ab – 12b2 4a2 – 14ab – 12b2 4a2 + 8ab – 6ba – 12b2 4a2 + 2ab – 12b2 4a2 – 2ab – 12b2

25 Group and combine like terms.
5) Multiply (2x - 5)(x2 - 5x + 4) You cannot use FOIL because they are not BOTH binomials. You must use the distributive property. 2x(x2 - 5x + 4) - 5(x2 - 5x + 4) 2x3 - 10x2 + 8x - 5x2 + 25x - 20 Group and combine like terms. 2x3 - 10x2 - 5x2 + 8x + 25x - 20 2x3 - 15x2 + 33x - 20

26 Multiply (2p + 1)(p2 – 3p + 4)

27 This will be modeled in the next problem along with FOIL.
The third method is the Box Method. This method works for every problem! Multiply (3x – 5)(5x + 2) Draw a box. Write a polynomial on the top and side of a box. It does not matter which goes where. This will be modeled in the next problem along with FOIL. 3x -5 5x +2

28 4) Multiply (7p - 2)(3p - 4) 7p -2 3p -4 21p2 -28p -6p 21p2 -6p +8
First terms: Outer terms: Inner terms: Last terms: Combine like terms. 21p2 – 34p + 8 7p -2 3p -4 -28p -6p 21p2 -6p +8 -28p +8

29 5) Multiply (2x - 5)(x2 - 5x + 4) You cannot use FOIL because they are not BOTH binomials. You must use the distributive property or box method. x2 -5x +4 2x -5 2x3 -10x2 +8x Almost done! Go to the next slide! -5x2 +25x -20

30 5) Multiply (2x - 5)(x2 - 5x + 4) Combine like terms!
+4 2x -5 2x3 -10x2 +8x -5x2 +25x -20 2x3 – 15x2 + 33x - 20

31 Ex) (x – 3)3

32 Sneedlegrit: Multiply (4p + 1)(p2 – 2p + 3)
Summary: Distributive Property FOIL Box Method Sneedlegrit: Multiply (4p + 1)(p2 – 2p + 3) Homework: pg.30(53 – 59,61,62,70,89)

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