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Dairy Breeds.

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1 Dairy Breeds

2 Holstein Color: Black and White, Red & White Holstein
Known for largest milk production. Full size: around 1500 pounds (cow) Average yearly production is 24,876 pounds. Milk volume is high but, butter fat and protein are low Most popular breed. Low butterfat = less premium

3 Holstein

4 Jersey Color: Fawn, reddish-brown. Tan, light brown
Size: Around 1,000 pounds. Average milk production is 17,000 pounds. Considered the most efficient producer. May be lower in gallons of milk but the quality is much higher in butterfat and protein. Rich milk is in demand.

5 Jersey

6 Guernsey “Golden Guernsey” is well known for its golden milk color.
Color: Fawn, brown, white markings. Weight = 1,100 pounds. Average milk production is 17,000 pounds. Calves are smaller, milk is less popular. Also has a low feed consumption. Losing popularity in competitive dairy industry.

7 Guernsey

8 Brown Swiss Color: Light to dark brown.
Is known for its black nose, tongue, and tail. Matures to 1,500 pounds and produces around 20,000 pounds of milk/ year. Known as a reliable breed that has strong legs and feet. Also known for its durability and consistency as a milking cow.

9 Brown Swiss

10 Ayrshire Colors: Brown, with white markings.
Recognized as a strong and reliable breed. Can withstand rough terrain and adverse climate. Mature weight: 12,000 pounds Average milk production = 17,000 pounds.

11 Ayrshire

12 Shorthorn Recognized as both a beef and dairy breed.
Color: shades of red, red and white, solid white, or roan. Mature weight = 1,250 pounds Average milk production is 17,000 pounds. Strong legs and feet, calving ease, high mobility have caused increase in popularity.

13 Shorthorn


15 Review Which breed is universal for beef and dairy?
Which breed produces “golden milk”? Which breed produces the most milk on average? What is unique about the Jersey cow?

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