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This presentation document has been prepared by Vault Intelligence Limited (“Vault") and is intended for off line demonstration, presentation and educational.

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2 This presentation document has been prepared by Vault Intelligence Limited (“Vault") and is intended for off line demonstration, presentation and educational purposes. The information is not version controlled and as such is subject to change without notice. Vault does not accept any responsibility or obligation to inform users of this presentation of such changes. This includes any copies of this presentation taken and modified outside of the Vault domain. [DISCLAIMER]

3 [Shopping Lists] Assets Register
If your Organisation has enabled the PPE Inventory module in Vault, the associated PPE Shopping List module provides assistance with purchasing and recording purchase order numbers for PPE This guide covers all aspects of using the PPE Shopping List The PPE Shopping List can be found under Assets in the Menu Bar

4 [Shopping Lists] Adding Items to the List
By default, the Current Shopping List is initially shown, which may be empty to begin with Adding new items to the Shopping List can be done from either the PPE Register or the PPE Inventory

5 [Shopping Lists] Adding Items cont.
In either case, locate the item you’d like to purchase and click Actions, then Add to Shopping List

6 [Shopping Lists] Shopping Details
This launches a short form which collects the specifics of the order Select the Site that the item is being purchased for Select the quantity, size and colour required and click Save Repeat the procedure for any additional sites, sizes or colours, or for other PPE items Once all items have been added, return to the PPE Shopping List

7 [Shopping Lists] Shopping List
The Shopping List now displays the details for all added items, including a total spend for all items on the list. Items may be removed or their quantities adjusted by clicking Actions then selecting the appropriate option To remove all items from the list, click Clear Shopping List

8 [Shopping Lists] Saving Shopping List
Once the Shopping List is complete, it may be exported via the Print button, however to include Purchase Order details, save the shopping list first To do this, click Save Shopping List and enter the Purchase Order Number and date of purchase. Then, click Save The List has now been saved and can be accessed via the Previous Shopping List button

9 [Shopping Lists] Exporting Shopping List
Locate your order in the drop-down via the Purchase Order number and date. The details of the Shopping List will be displayed Click the Print button and select the Company Name you’d like to appear on the document, along with the paper size, orientation and finally, whether the report should be output as a HTML, or as a PDF file HTML reports may be shared via the URL for the report, however note that the recipient will require Vault access to view. PDF reports may be shared using the downloaded file.


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