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10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Layer0 Prototype Test Abstract,,,,,,,, Shabeer Ahmad Mian( ),,,, ( ),,, ( ). We have carried out prototype test for Silicon.

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Presentation on theme: "10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Layer0 Prototype Test Abstract,,,,,,,, Shabeer Ahmad Mian( ),,,, ( ),,, ( ). We have carried out prototype test for Silicon."— Presentation transcript:

1 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Layer0 Prototype Test Abstract,,,,,,,, Shabeer Ahmad Mian( ),,,, ( ),,, ( ). We have carried out prototype test for Silicon detector for CDF experiment. Silicon Detector is important to detect B quark-jet. And Signal/Noise determines lifetime of the detector in a harsh radiation environment. Thus we carry out tested signal/noise at the prototype for Layer0 of Silicon detector.

2 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Introduction Outer Barrel The new detector SVXIIb has 6 layers with 2 barrels in z, each 66cm long. Sensors Hybrids Sensors Cables Hybrids Inner Layer(Layer0) Two sensors are bonded together to form a single readout unit. Fine pitch cables connect the sensors to the hybrids (2- chip). Sensors are cooled by coaxial tubes in the carbon fiber support structure. Layer 0: 12 fold Axial Layer 1: 6 fold Axial-Stereo (90 o ) Layer 2: 12 fold Axial-Stereo (90 o ) Layer 3: 18 fold Axial-Stereo (2.5 o ) Layer 4: 24 fold Axial-Stereo (2.5 o ) Layer 5: 30 fold Axial–Stereo (90 o )

3 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Stave / Layout details 2 sensors + 1 hybrid = 1 module 3 modules per side Modules linked by embedded bus cable and readout token passing scheme 2 sided – axial/stereo or axial/axial 1 Mini-Port Card /stave Total length 66 cm 3072 channels /stave(128*4*3*2)

4 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) 128-channel ADC (analog to digital converter) chip - Wilkinson type 8-bit ADC - Dead-time less Front-End : acquisition Back-End : digitization/readout - Low Power : 2.5V Signal/Noise 30% better than SVX3 SVX4 Chip / Block diagram

5 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Prototype L0 & Stave in FCC Layer0 - Silicon sensor - Cable - Hybrid(2 SVX4 chip) Stave - Silicon sensor - Hybrid(3*4 SVX4 chip) - MPC

6 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Signal-to-Noise Ratio S/N Collected charge usually given for Minimum Ionizing Particle(MIP) But there is Noise - Capacitance - Leakage Current - Thermal Noise Radiation Damage severely degrades the S/N. Thus S/N determines lifetime of the detector in a harsh radiation environment. => We tested S/N of Layer0.

7 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) How to Test Setup - High Voltage(100V) : Silicon sensor - Low Voltage(2.5V) : SVX4 Chip - Vcal(160mV) : PMC (Injection Charge) Test of Layer0 - Test : svxdaq (B/W, Vcal, H/V) in FCC - Make Plot : makePlot and ROOT Injection charge - different Pedestals Chip + Cable + Two SiliconChip + Cable(broken wirebond)

8 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Linearity Test of SVX4 Chip

9 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Layer0 Prototype Test B/WADCe - /ADC 051490 251490 450500 650500 850500 1046.5538 1244568 1539641 Charge Injection Vcal = 160mV (ADC) 160 mV * 25 fF = 4.00 fC = 25,000 e-

10 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) 1. Chip only 2. Chip + Cable 3. Chip + Cable + Two Silicon 4. Chip + Cable + One Silicon Chip only w/ cable w/ 2 silicon w/ 1 silicon ADC(Vcal:160mV) Different configuration L0

11 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) Two layers modules with different cables. The estimation from dnoise measurement shows similar capacit- ance (22pF for Keycom and 18.8pF for Dyconex) Keycom cable Dyconex cable Different Cable of Layer0 Dnoise = 400 e- (Chip) + 40 e-/pF * C pF (Cable) + 16 pF * 40 e-/pF (2 Sensor)

12 10/24/2003Yu Chul Yang(CHEP,KNU) References 1) SVX4 User s Manual, L.Christofek, …, may 22, 2003 ( 2) The New Silicon Detector at Run b, Anadi Canepa, ( 3) The CDF runiib Silicon Detector Technical Presentation, Nicola Bacchetta ( Conclusion 1. Signal(ADC) Vs Vcal(V) relation is linear. 2. Different configuration test of Layer0 (Signal/Noise) => Chip+Cable+Silicon < Chip+Cable < Chip 3. Different Cable test of Layer0 (Noise) => Dyconex cable noise is smaller than Keycom.

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