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Unmanageable Bleeding in Trauma

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1 Unmanageable Bleeding in Trauma
Dr. Vimal Koshy Thomas MD (EM), DNB (EM) Asst. Prof Emergency Medicine JMMCH , Thrissur


3 No conflicts of interest

4 Unmanageable bleeding is leading cause of preventable death after Injury.
Coagulopathy will accompany such patients in more than 1/3 of cases.

5 Data at our centre

6 Patients requiring MTP in Trauma 2016-2018

7 Evolution of “Trauma induced coagulopathy”

8 Case Scenario A 26-yr-old man, without significant medical history and weighting around 80 kg, was brought to the ED after being run over by car. HR- 140/mt BP-70 systolic RR - 35/mt

9 Pls place a large bore IV….

10 Pathophysiology of TIC
Hypoperfusion Activated Protein C Catecholamines Fibrinolysis and Factor degradation Endothelial Changes Platelet Dysfunction Microparticles Traumatic coagulopathy

11 Endothelial Involvement
Mediators of TIC Mediators Action Reference Activated Protein C Fibrinolysis and Factor degradation Brohi K et al. Acute traumatic coagulopathy: initiated by hypoperfusion: modulated through the protein C pathway? Ann Surg 2007 Endothelial Involvement Syndecan-1 Johansson PI,et al. A high admission syndecan-1 level, a marker of endothelial glycocalyx degradation, is associated with inflammation, protein C depletion, fibrinolysis, and increased mortality in trauma patients., Ann Surg 2011 Micro-particles circulating endothelial-, erythrocyte-, and leukocyte-derived microparticles Matijevic Net al. Cellular microparticle and thrombogram phenotypes in the Prospective Observational Multicenter Major Trauma Transfusion (PROMMTT) study: correlation with coagulopathy. Thromb Res 2014; 134(3):652–8. Platelets Platelet dysfunction Wohlauer MV et al. Early platelet dysfunction: an unrecognized role in the acute coagulopathy of trauma. J Am Coll Surg 2012;214(5): 739–46.

12 Critical Role aPC in TIC
Injury Hypoperfusion Thrombomodulin Thrombin T/TM complex Protein C Activated protein C

13 Increased Consumed PAi-1

14 Is our Patient at risk for massive transfusion ?

15 Pre-emptive VS Goal directed strategies
Patient at risk for massive transfusion Preemptive 1:1:1 transfusion (PRBC: FFP: Platelet) Using Clinical methods and resuscitative adjuncts Goal directed PT/PTT/ Fibrinogen/ Viscoelastic assays Preemptive 1:1:1 transfusion (PRBC: FFP: Platelet) Using Clinical methods and resuscitative adjuncts Should we discuss institution protocol?

16 Clinical Methods ATLS- Advanced Trauma Life Support

17 Airway: Patent Talking , Patent.
Breathing: Sp02-90%, RR-35/mt B/L air entry present . Improved with high flow oxygen. Circulation: FAST positive, BP-70 after 500 ml Crystalloids. HR- 130/mt. Pelvic trauma , B/L femur fracture. Femoral vessel injury. Disability: GCS-14/15 (Confused and Anxious) Exposure: Warmer placed , hypothermia prevented.

18 “Blood on the Floor , Look for five More”


20 HR- 140/mt BP-70 systolic Low Pulse Pressure RR - 35/mt Low urine output 14/15 <-10mEq/l Yes!!

21 Trauma patient….. Activated MTP
Blood sent for laboratory investigations Routines, Cross Matching, PT/PTT

22 Pros and cons of clinical assessment
Pros: Helps guide resuscitation . Cons: Underestimation of blood loss*

23 Resuscitation Adjuncts
Point of care Ultrasonography

24 Point of care Adjuncts pH Low Significant hypoperfusion probable 7.21
LAB LEVEL Usefulness in TIC Our Patient pH Low Significant hypoperfusion probable 7.21 Base deficit / excess Negative <-10 meq/l Hematocrit / Hemoglobin Likely significant blood loss 29/ 9.2 Massive blood loss may produce only a slight decrease in initial hematocrit or hemoglobin concentration.* *ATLS 10th Edition

25 Preemptive Strategy ….there was no difference in the primary endpoints of 24hr and 30 day mortality

26 A small trial conducted in Canada comparing 1:1:1 to laboratory-guided blood component therapy showed that achieving 1:1:1 despite concerted efforts was only achieved in 57% of the patients; moreover, it resulted in increased plasma wastage

27 Our trauma patient… We started the patient on Preemptive strategy of blood transfusion 8 units PRBC, 8 platelet and 8 plasma units. Following transfusion, Vitals- BP-90/60 , Hr- 98/mt However, 3 FFP were wasted.

“….there is currently a lack of evidence to support empiric ratio-based blood product administration, including immediate platelet transfusion, for the seriously injured patient at risk for life-threatening hemorrhage”

29 Presumptive VS Goal directed strategies
Patient at risk for massive transfusion Presumptive 1:1:1 transfusion Using Clinical methods and resuscitative adjuncts Goal directed PT/PTT/ Fibrinogen/ D-dimer/ Viscoelastic Hemostatic assays Goal directed PT/PTT/ Fibrinogen/ Viscoelastic assays

30 Goal directed treatment of TIC
Standard Coagulation Assays- PT/PTT/ Fibrinogen/ D-dimer Viscoelastic Hemostatic assays- TEG and ROTEM

31 Standard Coagulation Assays
TIC was initially defined by prolongation of the standard coagulation assays PTT and PT/International Normalized Ratio (INR). PT represents factor VII PTT represents factors XI, IX and VIII. Both tests reflect the common pathway (factors X, V, and II).

32 Partial thromboplastin Time Prolonged Diagnostic of TIC
Lab Level Usefulness in TIC Partial thromboplastin Time Prolonged Diagnostic of TIC Prothrombin time/ International Normalized ratio

33 Commonly used Cutoffs Assay Cutoff Our trauma patient
Partial Thromboplastin time >34-60 sec >180 secs Prothrombin time >18 sec >180 sec INR > >10

34 Coagulation Assays Pros: Help Diagnosis of TIC. Cons:
Turn around time >= 60 minutes. Coagulopathy are reported even normal ranges. Does not give a ‘Snapshot’ of the patients current coagulopathy Weak Guides to therapy.

35 Other tests Fibrinogen deficit - Can predict TIC D-dimer .

36 Visco-elastic Hemostatic Assays (VHA)
TEG and ROTEM Assesses Multiple real time viscoelastic properties of coagulation. thrombin generation, platelet activity fibrinogen cross-linking providing a measurement of maximum clot strength subsequent clot dissolution.

37 Against TEG A recent Cochrane review suggested that there was insufficient evidence to recommend TEG-based transfusion guidelines as superior to established transfusion practice.

38 For TEG 50% increase in Survival in the thrombelastography (TEG) guided group was significantly higher than the conventional coagulation assays (CCA) group

39 Viscoelastic VS Preemptive MTP

VHA > Standard coagulation tests Resuscitation to be tailored to the individual patient in real time. Coordinates the different modalities available for treatment. Provides Dynamic management as the patient’s condition changes

41 Conclusion Standard coagulation tests and functional viscoelastic assays are commonly used in the diagnosis and management of TIC. Balanced resuscitation is the mainstay of TIC treatment, but precise ratios for empiric resuscitation and optimal monitoring protocols for transfusion practice are needed.

42 Thank You!!

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