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Sdafasdfasdfasdf 2019.04.11.

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1 sdafasdfasdfasdf

2 The opportunities for development of practical vocational training with the support of the EU structural assistance Haroldas Brožaitis

3 The opportunities for practical VET
Key questions: What are the key challenges? 1.1. What is the logic? 1.2. Why start yesterday? 2. What are the key opportunities? 2.1. Policy innovation and learning; 2.2. Concentration of resources; 2.3. Increased managerial autonomy and capacity; 2.4. More flexibility and responsiveness 2.5. High levels of investment. 3. What are the next steps? sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

4 What are the key challenges?
What are the key opportunities? What are the next steps? Two positions in the policy debate: To pump the money to the existing network; “the key issue as seen by most national stakeholders is to <…> restore an institution that was perceived to be doing just fine”. P. Grootings, S. Nielsen, 2006. To optimise the network. Optimisation: activity, which aims at doing something as well as possible. Key challenge is to use SF money as an instrument in optimising the network and increasing the quality of practical VET. sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

5 The opportunities for practical VET
What are the key challenges? 1.1. What is the logic? What are the key opportunities? What are the next steps? What is the logic (1)? The key objectives of the VET system are: accessibility and quality; Optimisation should seek to improve quality without damaging accessibility; Effective functioning of the VET network is the key precondition for high quality investments sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

6 The opportunities for practical VET
What are the key challenges? 1.1. What is the logic? What are the key opportunities? What are the next steps? What is the logic (2)? Kalneliai yra production possibility frontier; daubos yra social indifference curve sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

7 The opportunities for practical VET
What are the key challenges? 1.2. Why start yesterday? What are the key opportunities? What are the next steps? Why start yesterday (1)? There is a dramatic mismatch between the supply and demand in the labor market sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

8 The opportunities for practical VET
What are the key challenges? 1.2. Why start yesterday? What are the key opportunities? What are the next steps? Why start yesterday (2)? The VET network is not efficient: it is populated by large number of small schools, which have high operating costs; sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

9 The opportunities for practical VET
What are the key challenges? 1.2. Why start yesterday? What are the key opportunities? What are the next steps? Why start yesterday (3)? The quality of practical VET is hindered by outmoded infrastructure: During the 90s the levels of investment to the VET infrastructure had been appalling; High number of VET providers and dispersed investments have hindered effective usage of scarce resources. The potential for better cooperation between the VET network and the employers have not been realised. sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

10 The opportunities for practical VET
What are the key challenges? What are the key opportunities? What are the next steps? What are the key opportunities for development of practical vocational training with the support of the EU structural assistance? sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

11 Policy innovation and learning
What are the key challenges? What are the key opportunities? 2.1 Policy innovation and learning. 3. What are the next steps? Policy innovation and learning Periodic evaluation of the quality of practical VET and efficiency of the VET network; Participation in international networks for the exchange of best practice; Local capacity building. * Evaluations of the employability of VET graduates; analysis of the VET network efficiency and effectiveness; anlysis of labour market demand; * Study visits in 2007 to the Ntherlands and Scotland. International exchanges: (since 2000 over 2400 VET teachers and managers were on international exchanges financed by Leonardo da Vinci); sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

12 Concentration of resources (1)
What are the key challenges? What are the key opportunities? 2.2.Concentration of resources. 3. What are the next steps? Concentration of resources (1) SCHOOLS CENTERS SELF-GOVERNING INSTITUTIONS /viešosios įstaigos/ MARIJAMPOLĖ TELŠIAI ŠIAULIAI PANEVĖŽYS UTENA VILNIUS KAUNAS TAURAGĖ KLAIPĖDA ALYTUS Key point: to reduce the number of VET schools by establishing the VET centers. To compare: in Scotland (Population 5 mln.) there are 46 VET schools, while in Lithuania (population 3.5 mln.) there are 78 VET schools. sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

13 Concentration of resources (2)
What are the key challenges? What are the key opportunities? 2.2.Concentration of resources. 3. What are the next steps? Concentration of resources (2) Establishment of sectoral practical training centers. Key elements: Creation of modern training infrastructure on the premises of several VET schools; The centers will target the demand for practical training in the key economic sectors; The schools will cooperate and jointly use the infrastructure; The large proportion of the centres’ services portfolio will be targeted towards the continuous training paid by the private sector. sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

14 Managerial autonomy and capacity
What are the key challenges? What are the key opportunities? 2.3. Managerial autonomy and capacity 3. What are the next steps? Managerial autonomy and capacity In 2003 reorganisation of status of vocational schools into self-governing VET institutions started: Higher managerial autonomy; Better links with the community and the business sector, who became members of the board of VET institution. First results of this pilot reorganisation and international experience indicate positive results. It is likely that this will be continued. sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

15 More flexibility and responsiveness
What are the key challenges? What are the key opportunities? 2.4. More flexibility and responsiveness 3. What are the next steps? More flexibility and responsiveness The key issue is to increase flexibility and responsiveness to the persistently changing labor market demand by: Introducing modular learning system; Increasing availability of specialised practical training modules; Increasing the share of continuous learning (practical training) services; Better functioning of decentralised networks for transmitting information regarding labour market demand. sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

16 High levels of investment
What are the key challenges? What are the key opportunities? 2.5. High levels of investment 3. What are the next steps? High levels of investment 98.4 mln. Lt were invested in the VET infrastructure during 2004 – 2006 (includes only assistance from the Structural funds). Additional mln. Lt are planned from the EU structural assistance during Implementation of the discussed measures should create favorable conditions for efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability of the investments sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

17 The opportunities for practical VET
Why optimise? What are the key elements? What are the next steps? What are the next steps? sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

18 The opportunities for practical VET
Next steps Why optimise? What are the key elements? What are the next steps? Further consolidation in the VET system; Merger between the VET system and the Labour market training system; Better coordination between HE and VET sector. sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

19 The opportunities for practical VET
Thank you! sdafasdfasdfasdf The opportunities for practical VET

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