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Final Project Guidelines

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1 Final Project Guidelines
Professional Selling Final Project Guidelines

2 Objective The objective for the sales presentation is to assume the role of salesperson making a presentation to a potential buyer. You will create a Power point presentation and any additional visual aids that might support your presentation.

3 Review Client/Product Options
You may choose from the seven options provided, each one with a different client/product and role that you will play.

4 Review Client/Product Options

5 Strong opening Is the opening effective? Wow us with your intro. Assume the role of the salesperson. Tell us what you will be telling us. 

6 Review the grading rubric
Seek clarification on anything that is unclear. Before you begin to create your presentation, be sure to carefully review the grading expectations. The presentation will be weighted two times the points on the grading rubric.

7 Determining Needs Develop your presentation with your “client’s” needs in mind. Review the information found in the case study. You may take some creative liberties to fill in any “gaps”.

8 Product Knowledge Did you clearly demonstrate thorough and effective product/service knowledge? Do your research. Know all the details about the product (or service) you are selling.

9 Features & Benefits Effectively used feature- benefit selling to appeal to your target audience? Be sure to present the product/service in terms of the product’s features and the benefits to your “client”.

10 Suggestion Selling Did you effectively used suggestion selling to enhance the presentation? What item(s) can be suggested to go with the product or service you are selling?

11 Overcoming Objections
In your preparation, consider all possible objections and your responses. Overcame objections in a poised and confident manner?

12 Effectively moved toward the close of the sale?
Closing the Sale Effectively moved toward the close of the sale? Utilize methods learned to close the sale.

13 Used visual aids to clarify and/or enhance the presentation?
Brochures? Charts? Display Board? Flip Chart? Power point? Business card?

14 Presentation Content & Flow
The presentation was well-organized and clearly presented; used professional grammar and vocabulary; voice conveyed proper volume, enthusiasm, enunciation and pronunciation?

15 Professional appearance, poise and confidence?
Professionalism Professional appearance, poise and confidence?

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