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Welcome! Copy this chart in your notebook on a left-hand page

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! Copy this chart in your notebook on a left-hand page"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! Copy this chart in your notebook on a left-hand page
Fill it in. Check it with your table partner. I will be calling on you. Element Total e- Valence e- Gain or Lose Charge Arsenic 3 Chlorine

2 Housekeeping Remember that all work from the last unit MUST be turned in by Friday or it will remain a zero! We will go over the test today. You will need to come to tutorial to take the retest by Wednesday next week. If you scored at least 60, then you can just do corrections. If you scored less than 60, then you have to do corrections AND do the retest. Take a picture of your corrections before you turn them in so you have something to study from.

3 Housekeeping Missing work listed on the next slide.
All missing work must be turned in by Friday, 12/2. After that, it will remain a zero. If I do NOT have the assignment from you, your name will be in red. Only a few people have turned in the Periodic Trends assignment. The names of those who HAVE turned it in are in black. I will NOT post this again. Everything on the next slide is due by the end of the day on Friday.

4 We will learn bonding dot structures.
I will do test corrections and complete a bonding assignment. Success Criteria: Know when a bond will be ionic or covalent. Be able to draw ionic and covalent bonds.



7 Video 4-1-1 We are going to spend one minute writing down what you thought was important or what you learned from the videos. NO TALKING. Then you will share with your table partner (table in front of or behind you if you have no table partner) for one minute. I will be calling randomly on a few volunteers to share with the class. I thought ___________________ was important. I learned _________________. My partner thought ___________________ was important. My partner learned __________________.

8 The foldable I’m passing out has two copies on each page
The foldable I’m passing out has two copies on each page. You will each need half of all three sheets. The first page I show you will need to be on top. The next one will be in the middle. The last one will be on bottom. Put them in your notebook in that order.

9 Top page

10 Middle page

11 Bottom page

12 Now we will actually start filling out the top page and the middle page.

13 Top page

14 Middle page

15 Building models Today we are going to build models to illustrate bonding, both ionic and covalent. I will separate you into lab groups. Each group goes to the lab table with that group’s number. We will do the first few as a class and then we will move to the back to work on the models in groups.

16 Which are metals and which are nonmetals?
Covalent: Needs Available Shared Metal or nonmetal # electrons # valence electrons Gain/Lose charge F O Al P Ca Al + P Al + F Al + O Ca + O Ca + P O + F O + P

17 Moving to lab tables The next slide will show lab groups. You will use the whiteboards at each lab table to show what your group thinks the diagram will look like. Fill out the chart at the top of the page and then each of you try building a different ionic bond. Talk it over with your lab group to see if you all agree. Don’t draw it on your papers until I approve it. After you have completed all of the ionic bonds, start working on the covalent bonds.

18 Have a Nice Day!

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