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Source identification of aerosols in Mexico City

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1 Source identification of aerosols in Mexico City
Bo Yao April, 2007

2 Overview Particulate Matter MILAGRO field campaign description
Positive Matrix Factorization method Results and Discussion Future work

3 Particulate Matter A complex mixture of suspended, condensed phase particles Sources: natural and anthropogenic Impacts: health effects: fine particles (PM2.5) climate: CCN heterogeneous chemistry processes

4 Objectives Estimate the source contributions
Better understand the chemical composition of each source

5 MILAGRO field study – March, 2006
Measurements included: T1 site, 30 km NE of Mexico City center (Tecamac University) NCAR C-130 flights out of Veracruz

6 T1 Measurements TEOM mass
Inorganic ions: Na+, NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, NO2-, NO3-, SO42- Water Soluble Organic Carbon (WSOC), OC, EC – Sunset Labs analyzer

7 Method Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) X= GF + E or to minimize

8 Method (continued) Explained variation
a magnitude of the contribution of each chemical species for each identified factor

9 Method (continued) Missing data and below detection:
missing data - replaced by the geometric mean of corresponding elements and four times the geometric mean as the corresponding errors below detection – half of the detection limit used for below-detection-limit values and 5/6 of the detection limit used for the corresponding errors

10 Results


12 Future work Rotation freedom Time series Gas phase species: e.g. HC’s

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