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Aftermath of the War 17-3.

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1 Aftermath of the War 17-3

2 Rebuilding Begins The Yalta Conference
February 1945, FDR, Churchill, Stalin meet in Yalta discuss post-war world FDR, Churchill concession: temporarily divide Germany into 4 parts Stalin promises free elections in Eastern Europe; will fight Japan FDR gets support for conference to establish United Nations


4 Human Costs of the War WW II most destructive war in human history – 66 million people approximately.

5 Human Costs of the War The Nuremberg War Trials
Nuremberg trials—24 Nazi leaders tried, sentenced charged with crimes against humanity, against the peace, war crimes Establish principle that people responsible for own actions in war

6 Human Costs of War The US occupation of Japan
MacArthur commands U.S. occupation forces in Japan Over 1,100 Japanese tried, sentenced MacArthur reshapes Japan’s economy, government

7 Human costs of war Holocaust numbers of deaths are around 6 million. Jews relocate throughout the world and try to create new lives – state of Israel is created. Mass relocation of people throughout the world, some through force, some through choice. Division of the world; new borders are drawn, new countries are formed. World becomes divided by Cold War: Soviets vs USA

8 Legacy of the War for the USA
Legacy of WWII New US Position: The US emerged with minor casualties compared to other powers. It was the only country possessing the atomic bomb (for awhile). It became a superpower and assumed leadership in world affairs. Economy: The war had a profound effect on the US economy. Many items were rationed after the war as well. After FDR died, some wanted to dismantle his Great Depression agencies while others wanted to carry on or increase those welfare policies. People feared a return of economic depression after the war.

9 Legacy of the War for the USA
Federal bureaucracy and power expanded greatly during the war. Government became the single most important force in American life. Geographic mobility increased as labor shortages created job opportunities. Pent up consumer demands exploded after the war. High birth rate accompanied an increase in marriages for returning veterans, creating a “baby boom”.

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