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Quantitative aspects in Cyprus (groundwater)

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1 Quantitative aspects in Cyprus (groundwater)
CIS 33 meeting f Quantitative aspects in Cyprus (groundwater) Dr CHARLES DEMETRIOU Senior Hydrologist Water Development Department Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Republic of Cyprus

2 Outline of Presentation
Water Sources Water Budget Groundwater Status Measures Conclusions

3 Water Sources Surface Water Groundwater (boreholes, wells)
(Dams, rivers – diversions ) Groundwater (boreholes, wells) Re-cycled water (tertiary treated wastewater) Water from desalination plants

4 Water Budget 4

5 WATER BUDGET Mean values (MCM) 2000 - 2015
Rainfall 480 mm INFLOW (Surface storage) 87 INFLOW (Groundwater) 198 OUTFLOW (to the sea) 62 Available (Groundwater) 136 TOTAL Available (SW+ GW) 223 DEMAND 253 SW Releases 69 GW extraction (Pumping) 146 TOTAL Releases/ Extractions 215 RELEASES - DEMAND -38 (+31*+7**) *Desalinated **Recycled (produced 14)




9 Use of water in Cyprus 9

10 Groundwater Status 10



13 Groundwater monitoring network (1100 boreholes) for monitoring water level and conductivity







20 Groundwater status. Most coastal aquifers – seawater intrusion


22 Pumping cost is very high
DEMAND MANAGEMENT Pumping cost is very high Water pricing NOT that effective tool 90% of irrigated land is utilizing advanced irrigation systems Integrated water management law All waterworks (dams,water diversions works, boreholes etc) need to obtain a permit issued by WDD All water diversions, abstractions need to obtain a permit from WDD 22

23 Groundwater abstractions
Records of licences (last 50 years) Active and inactive (abandoned) Unlicenced boreholes ?? In our Database we have records for boreholes On all licenses issued since 1995 there is a maximum allowable amount of water* to be extracted/year and also a term that a water meter has to be installed on every borehole for monitoring * based on crop(s) water needs 23

24 Conclusions 24

25 Next Steps Many challenges
Climate changes, water scarcity and droughts Increasing demand for good quality water Integrated water management plans for each water body – stainable yield for each gw body Public consultation (discussed and agreed with interested groups) Long term program Utilization of tertiary treated wastewater for: Irrigation (for the crop types permitted) Aquifer recharge 25 25

26 Thank you for your attention


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