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Wei-Shiang Huang <> Introduce to IRC.

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Presentation on theme: "Wei-Shiang Huang <> Introduce to IRC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wei-Shiang Huang <>
Introduce to IRC

2 What is IRC?

3 It means “Internet Relay Chat”

4 A form of real-time Internet text messaging (chat).
It’s a server and client model. It has a lot of channels on a server. Also provide private messages and file sharing functions.


6 If you want to use irc on unix-like platform…..

7 You will need irssi – the client of the future

8 Install An example on FreeBSD cd /usr/ports/irc/irssi/
make install clean rehash

9 Basic Commands Connect to an irc server (ex:freenode)
/connect Own your nickname /nick maximum Register your nickname /msg NickServ REGISTER <password> /msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> Join a channel /join #Channel_name key (if necessary key) Ex: /join #nctuNASA ILoveCSCC (For course purpose)

10 Basic Commands (Cont’d)
Private message /msg <nickname> blah~~~~ Leave a channel /wc Close irssi /quit Switch channel key Alt+<NUM>, Alt+<LEFT>, Alt+<RIGHT>

11 Irssi status

12 Irssi Configuration If you have a configuration file, you can connect and join a channel automatically. Configurate IRC Network /NETWORK ADD freenode Configurate IRC Server /SERVER ADD -auto -network freenode Add a Channel /CHANNEL ADD –auto #nctuNASA freenode ILoveCSCC Set Encoding /SET term_charset UTF-8 /SET recode_transliterate ON /SET recode_fallback UTF-8 /SET recode_out_default_charset UTF-8

13 Irssi Configuration (Cont’d)
Channel Encoding /RECODE ADD #channel_name encode Ex:/RECODE ADD #nctuNASA UTF-8 Autolog /SET autolog_path ~/tmp/logs/irc-$tag-$0-%Y%m%d Save configuration /SAVE

14 Reference Irssi irssi UTF-8 Big5 中文轉換與設定
irssi UTF-8 Big5 中文轉換與設定 用 screen + irssi 上 irc 之鄉民版教學 (含Q&A) NA IRC Channel: #nctuNASA Password: ILoveCSCC

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