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Everything You Always Wanted to Know about English)

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1 Everything You Always Wanted to Know about English)

2 SYLLABUS While I am struggling through pronouncing your names, please read the syllabus. It is actually informative and answers many questions you may have. Signed portion is due this Friday, Aug 12th (not before, Overachievers)

3 Your period & calendar of assignments link
CLASSROOM WEBSITE Go there for work, due dates, make up work. Do not come in to the classroom after and absence and ask, “Did I miss anything?” The response will be sarcastic. Academics English Staff Mrs. Hyde Your period & calendar of assignments link

4 “Orderly fashion” means walking around furniture and people.
Brightly colored Card When I say “Go!” proceed in an orderly fashion to any desk with a corresponding color (green card=any desk with a green number). “Orderly fashion” means walking around furniture and people. Do not jostle the projector or the desks and do not push and shove. On the UNLINED side of the card, write your desk letter & number (e.g. G3) large enough for me to see it.

Turn your card to the side with lines. 1. Write your name legibly the way it is on the roster. 2. Underneath, write what you want to be called (Bradley may go by Brad, etc. I will not call you weird nicknames like Big Papa, etc. so don’t write it). 3. Write one fact I should know about you. 4. Write one strength in English, or as a student in general, you feel you possess. 5. Write one specific goal for this class.

6 -Don’t lose it; it won’t be replaced
PROCEDURES Restroom Passes: -Two per triad -Don’t lose it; it won’t be replaced -Each unused RR pass=5 pts. extra credit Don’t ask to go in the middle of a fascinating lesson or in the middle of reading. Wait for a break in the action, then raise your hand with the pass out and waiting for a signature.

7 Writing Implements/paper:
PROCEDURES CONT. Writing Implements/paper: If you have to borrow, do so BEFORE the final bell. Do NOT get up to sharpen while I am giving instruction. Raise your hand and wait for permission.

LEAVING THE CLASSROOM DO NOT “CLUSTER” BY THE DOOR! The bell does not dismiss you; I do. Remain in your seats and wait until you are dismissed. You will be dismissed by color groups.

9 Anything with a non-Friday due date will be handed in separately.
Classwork/homework Most classwork will handed in on Fridays with an assignment sheet attached. Anything with a non-Friday due date will be handed in separately.

10 We turn in work a. in a basket in the back b. every Monday
QUIZ TIME! We turn in work a. in a basket in the back b. every Monday c. with an assignment sheet on Fridays d. at the end of each triad

11 QUIZ TIME cont. At the end of the period a. please stand by the door and wait for the bell b. try to sneak out a few seconds early c. stand up and wait by your desk d. stay seated and wait to be dismissed by color group

12 The time to borrow a pencil or paper from a neighbor or the teacher is
QUIZ TIME CONT. The time to borrow a pencil or paper from a neighbor or the teacher is a. before the final bell b. wait until the teacher is giving instruction c. anytime is a good time! d. sit quietly in shame for not having the proper supplies

13 QUIZ TIME CONT. 4. Electronics a. will be confiscated if being used or out during class without permission (I don’t care if you’re ‘checking the time’) b. go ahead and text Mom to deliver McDonald’s— everyone’s gotta eat! c. will be used occasionally, but always ask first d. both a and c

14 The best time to use your restroom pass is
QUIZ TIME CONT. The best time to use your restroom pass is a. whenever you get bored b. when there is a break in the action c. when someone is reading slowly d. never! Don’t drink any liquids

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