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Delia memorial school (Hip wo)

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Presentation on theme: "Delia memorial school (Hip wo)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Delia memorial school (Hip wo)
Project learning 1718 3d2_group 03

2 Opening a clothes shop in Mong Kok
Start Our own business Opening a clothes shop in Mong Kok

3 Members 3D2 14_Matthew (Leader) 3D2_21_Tina 3D2_27_Ali 3D2_37_Nitej (Left) 3D2_39_Jay Jay(Left)

4 Content Introduction Reason for this topic Research & Findings
Questionnaire Site Visit Floor Plan Financial Data Conclusion Reflection

5 Reason for this topic The reason why we chose this topic is because nowadays many teenagers like to wear jackets and hoodies. Its kind of a trend nowadays and many teenagers like to follow trends. Even our group likes to wear them too.

6 Questionnaire Result Gender : 10% Male 10% Female % Hoodies Age :18% Under 16 2% Others Q1: 20% Students Q2 : 15% Hoodies 3% Sweater 2% Leather Jacket Q3 : 16% Hoodies 3% Sweater 1% Leather Jacket Q4 : 16% Yes 4% No Q5 : 12% Sometimes 8% Seldom Q6 : 3% Always 16% Sometimes 1% Seldom Q7 : 14% $100-$400 5%$500 or above 1% Others Q8 : 6% $200 4% 300 3% $400 1% $500 6% Others Q9 : 16% Cotton 3% Fabric 1% Others Q10 : 14% Yes 6% No Q11 : 17% Yes 3% No Q12 : 7% Clothes 7% Accessories 4% Caps 2% Others Q13 : 16% Design 2% Custom’s Feedback 1% Various Types of Survey 1% Others Q14 : 6% Yes 14% No

7 Site visit

8 Floor plan




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