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Principles of Functional Fitness

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1 Principles of Functional Fitness

2 What is Functional Fitness?
A way to train and develop muscles to perform everyday activities in a smoother, safer, and more efficient manner. Can be used to improve everyday life and increase physical independence. Helps to improve multiple components of fitness, including strength, agility, balance, and endurance.

3 Benefits Functional Training
Incorporating Functional Training into your regime can increase your quality of life and keep you doing the things you enjoy. Benefits of Functional Training include: Increase Movement Efficiency Increase Muscle Coordination Increase Postural Strength and Control Decrease in loss of energy

4 Key Principles to Functional Fitness
Key Principles to Functional Fitness include: Movement Specific Exercises Emphasis on Multi-joint Exercises Strengthening the Kinetic Chain Core Balance and Stability

5 Movement Specific Most people use the same movement patterns throughout the day. These movements can include; walking, sitting, standing, and carrying objects. One of the key principals in Functional Fitness is to have your exercise movement mimic the movement of daily activities.

6 Multi-Joint Exercises
Incorporating multi-joint exercises can help increase muscle coordination to perform every day tasks that require multiple muscle groups. Not many daily movements use isolated muscles, so it is important to incorporate multi-joint movements into your training. Examples of multi-joint exercises: Squats Lunges Rowing Push-ups Step-ups Deadlifts

7 Kinetic chain The idea behind the Kinetic Chain is that different body parts are working together to produce sound movement. For optimal movement, the body transfers energy from one body part or joint to another. This is known as Kinetic Linking. A break or weakness in the chain can lead to performance impairments and affect movement. A strong Kinetic Chain will help to make your everyday movements smoother, and more efficient.

8 strengthen the Kinetic Chain
To have a strong Kinetic Chain, you must have strong and healthy joints. Joint mobility and flexibility can be added to your training to maintain healthy joints. Strengthening the muscles around a joint will help to improve joint stability. Major joints to focus on: (Associated Muscles) Ankles (Calves) Knees (Quadriceps & Hamstrings) Hips (Glutes & Hip Flexors) Low Back (Erector Spinae & Abdomens) Upper Back/Neck (Deltoids and Trapezius)

9 Core, Balance, and Stability
Developing a strong core helps to stabilize the spine and improve functional movement. Throughout the day, your body goes through constant position changes. Raising and lowering the body’s center of gravity Pushing and pulling motions Rotating and reaching Yoga & Pilates are good ways to incorporate core training to improve abdominal strength and increase stability.

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