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TING STUDY PACK IV Speaking Tasks.

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1 TING STUDY PACK IV Speaking Tasks

2 (Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation)
STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK1 You and your friend decided to go on a holiday, but you disagree about the details. You want a long holiday – for about a week You like doing adventurous things on holiday so you would like to go to a place that you can try extreme sports like rafting or kite surfing. Agree on where to go and the time of your holiday. You and your friend decided to go on a holiday, but you disagree about the details. You want a short holiday – for about three days. You would like to relax on holiday so you would like to go to a quiet place. Agree on where to go and the time of your holiday.

3 (Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation)
STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK2 You are going to talk about your regrets. Listen to your friend and comment on his/her story. Tell your friend your greatest regret. Tell what you would do now if you can go back in time to that moment. You are going to talk about your regrets. Tell you friend your greatest regret. Tell what you would do now if you can go back in time to that moment. Listen to your friend and comment on his/her story.

4 (Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation)
STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK3 Your friend wants to get plastic surgery; however, you are completely against it. Try to persuade your friend not to undergo such an operation. complications. (Give examples). S/he is too young to have one. S/he can always see a problem with his/her appearance. Embrace how you look. You are 23 years old and want to get plastic surgery. When you talk to your friend about this, you find out that s/he is completely against it. Try to convince your friend: safe (give examples) Millions of people have it everyday. good for your self-esteem

(Student B will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Start the conversation) TASK4 Your friend really likes playing video games, but you think that they are harmful. Try to convince your friend that video games are harmful. Find three reasons to defend your opinion. You like playing video games, but your friend disagrees with you. Try to convince your friend that video games are beneficial. Find three reasons to defend your opinion.

(Student B will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Start the conversation) TASK5 You and your friend are in a café, and you are deeply upset about the recent events in Turkey. Explain your friend why you feel pessimistic by telling: Your future seems depressing. You cannot foresee 5 years from now. Young people your age are dying. Any other ideas. You are in a café with your friend and talking about the recent events in Turkey. Your friend feels pessimistic about what has been happening. Try to give hope to your friend by giving examples from: How young people can change the future. How this country has experienced similar situations. What you can do to stop all these. Any other ideas.

7 (Student B will start the conversation) (Start the conversation)
STUDENT A (Student B will start the conversation) STUDENT B (Start the conversation) TASK6 You and your friend are in a movie club, and you are trying to choose a film to watch this week. You choose The Titanic. It is both romantic and realistic. It is based on a true story. The clothes in the movie are beautiful. Try to convince your friend. You and your friend are in a movie club, and you are trying to choose a film to watch this week. You want to watch The Lord of the Rings because: It is fantastic. The movie has wonderful visual effects. The plot of the book is brilliant. Try to convince your friend.

8 (Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation)
STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK7 You and your friend are going to talk about a time when your friend found it difficult to react to a situation. Ask questions to your friend: What? Where? Feeling? Reaction? You and your friend are going to talk about a situation where it was difficult for you to decide how to react. Explain the situation by telling Where it happened What happened before How you felt What you did

9 (Start the conversation) (Student A will start the conversation)
STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK8 You work at the school magazine, and you are going to write an article about the most influential person in the world history. Compare these people with your friend, and agree on one of them for further research. Albert Einstein Alexander the Great Leonardo da Vinci William Shakespeare You work at the school magazine, and you are going to write an article about the most influential person in the world history. Compare these people with your friend, and agree on one of them for further research. Albert Einstein Alexander the Great Leonardo da Vinci William Shakespeare

(Start the conversation) STUDENT B (Student A will start the conversation) TASK9 You have some problems with your neighbour. You would like to warn him/her but you don’t want to break his/her heart. Doesn’t pay the expenses of the maintenance of the building (but buys luxurious things) Leaves the rubbish outside Attends your parties but never invites you You have some problems with your neighbour. You would like to warn him/her but you don’t want to break his/her heart. Too noisy Keeps practising even late at night (plays the violin) Has parties with a lot of guests all the time

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