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Georgian Bay Biosphere Invasive Species Jeopardy

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Presentation on theme: "Georgian Bay Biosphere Invasive Species Jeopardy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Georgian Bay Biosphere Invasive Species Jeopardy

2 100 100 200 200 400 300 300 500 Bonus 350 Ecology Invasive Species

3 Ecology 100 Question A ___________is an interacting system of plants, animals and humans and the surrounding physical environment. An ___________ contains living and nonliving factors that contribute to the functioning of other organisms. An _____________is not just a collection of organisms. It is a system of interrelationships, interactions, and processes. _____________ can be as small as a puddle or a rotting log to a whole forest, lake or the planet. The same word is used for all spaces. Click the box for the answer.

4 What is an Ecosystem? Ecology 100 Answer
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5 Air Water Energy (food) Sunlight Temperature Are examples of what?
Ecology 200 Question Air Water Energy (food) Sunlight Temperature Are examples of what?

6 Ecology 200 Answer in the form of a question What are non-living parts of an ecosystem, necessary for living things (called abiotic)? -

7 Ecology 300 Question The ________ parts of an ecosystem are called biotic factors. All of these organisms have an effect on the others. An organism must get food, shelter water and other things in order to live, grow and reproduce from the area that it lives in. An organism depends on other _________ factors for food, shelter, protection, and reproduction.

8 What are living parts of an ecosystem, also known as biotic?
Ecology 300 Answer in the form of question What are living parts of an ecosystem, also known as biotic?

9 Which can be said about an Invasive Species: A non-native pest
Question Which can be said about an Invasive Species: A non-native pest Threatens the local biodiversity Introduced by human action or accidentally Capable of establishing and spreading

10 What are all the statements?
Invasive Species 100 Answer What are all the statements?

11 Invasive Species 200 Question One way Georgian Bay has and can experience invasive species is from ballast water. Ballast water comes from a ______ , dumping its water into the Great Lakes.

12 Invasive Species 200 Answer What is a ship?

13 Wash the bottom of your boat before you launch in a different lake.
Invasive Species 300 Question Wash the bottom of your boat before you launch in a different lake. Don’t dump your bait bucket into a lake, stream or river. Don’t release your non-native plants or exotic pets into the environment. Are examples of?

14 What is prevent the spread of invasive species?
Answer What is prevent the spread of invasive species?

15 Bonus 350 Question - Identify answer

16 What is a Dragonfly and a Dragonfly Nymph?
Bonus Question 350 Answer in the form of a question What is a Dragonfly and a Dragonfly Nymph?

17 Invasive Species 400 Question Which Invasive species reduces number of native fish by eating their eggs and young competing for food.

18 Invasive Species 400 Answer What is the Round Goby?

19 Invasive species 500 Question – What is this invasive species?

20 What is a Spiny Water Flea?
Invasive Species 500 Answer What is a Spiny Water Flea?

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