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Formal Methods in software development

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Presentation on theme: "Formal Methods in software development"— Presentation transcript:

1 Formal Methods in software development
a.y.2017/2018 Prof. Anna Labella 4/15/2019

2 The predicate calculus [H-R ch.2]
The need for a richer language Terms and formulas quantifiers 4/15/2019

3 Examples Every student preparing his homework must be left alone
x (((x)  ψ(x))  χ(x)) For every natural number there is number greater than it x (N(x)  y (N(y) G(y,x)) x y G(y,x) There are people who do not like their dog x (x, d(x)) 4/15/2019

4 Syntax Inductive term definition BNF t::= x | c | f(t1,t2,…,tn)

5 Syntax Inductive definition of wff BNF
::= p(t1,t2,…,tn) | t1=t2 | () | () | () | () | x | x 4/15/2019

6 Syntax One can always do without function symbols, using predicates and equality f(x)=y is the same as F(x,y)  z (F(x,z)  y=z) 4/15/2019

7 Peano’s arithmetics Predicates: - = -, - ≤ -
Functions : - + -, - . -, s(-),… Constants: 0 4/15/2019

8 Exercises 4/15/2019

9 Syntax Free and bounded variables 4/15/2019

10 Syntax Open and closed formulas 4/15/2019

11 Syntax Free and bounded variables 4/15/2019

12 Syntax Be careful with substitution! 4/15/2019

13 Natural deduction 1 A special predicate: equality =(-,-) or - = -

14 Natural deduction 2 Proof rules for equality 4/15/2019

15 Natural deduction 3 We can prove symmetry 4/15/2019

16 Natural deduction 3 And also transitivity 4/15/2019

17 Exercises 4/15/2019

18 Natural deduction 1 Proof rules for universal quantification
where t is free for x in φ 4/15/2019 where x0 is a fresh variable

19 Natural deduction 2 Proof rules for existential quantification
where t is free for x in φ 4/15/2019 where x0 is a fresh variable

20 Examples of proofs where x0 is a fresh variable 4/15/2019

21 Examples of proofs 4/15/2019

22 Exercises 4/15/2019

23 Exercises 4/15/2019

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