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SCHIP Advisory Council Duties and Responsibilities:

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1 SCHIP Advisory Council Duties and Responsibilities:
Statute: (6), F.S. – Establishes Advisory Council and its duties There is established in the agency the State Consumer Health Information and Policy Advisory Council to assist the (Florida) center, (6)(a), F.S. Council’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: (6)(a)(h), F.S. Develop a mission statement, goals, and a plan of action for the identification, collection, standardization, sharing, and coordination of health-related data across federal, state, and local government and private sector entities (6)(h)(1), F.S. Develop a review process to ensure cooperative planning among agencies that collect or maintain health-related data (6)(h)(2), F.S. Create ad hoc issue-oriented technical workgroups on an as-needed basis to make recommendations to the council (6)(h)(3), F.S. Other Relevant Statutes: , F.S. – Data Collection and submission from facilities, providers, insurers , F.S. – Data analyses and reports , F.S. – Data dissemination, reporting to enhance informed decision-making

2 Statute Language Changes in 2016
2016 Transparency Bill - Chapter , LOF. Clarified language why Advisory Council Established Removed requirement to make Long-range Plan 2016 LANGUAGE AND CHANGES in , F.S. CLARIFIES (3)(E), F.S. Comprehensive Health Information System- Establish by rule the types of data collected, compiled, processed, used, or shared. Decisions regarding center data sets should be made based on consultation with the State Consumer Health Information and Policy Advisory Council and other public and private users regarding the types of data which should be collected and their uses. The center shall establish standardized means for collecting health information and statistics under laws and rules administered by the agency. ELIMINATES (3)(E)(K), F.S. Long Range Plan - Develop, in conjunction with the State Consumer Health Information and Policy Advisory Council, and implement a long-range plan for making available health care quality measures and financial data that will allow consumers to compare health care services. CLARIFIES (8)(a), F.S. There is established in the agency the State Consumer Health Information and Policy Advisory Council to assist the center in reviewing the comprehensive health information system, including the identification, collection, standardization, sharing, and coordination of health-related data, fraud and abuse data, and professional and facility licensing data among federal, state, local, and private entities and to recommend improvements for purposes of public health, policy analysis, and transparency of consumer health care information. RETAINS (8)(h), F.S. The council’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Develop mission statement, goals, and a plan of action for the identification, collection, standardization, sharing, and coordination of health-related data across federal, state, and local government and private sector entities. 2. Develop review process to ensure cooperative planning among agencies that collect or maintain health-related data. 3. Create ad hoc issue-oriented technical workgroups on as-needed basis to make recommendations to the council.

3 CURRENT LANGUAGE of ,F.S. 408.05(3)(F), F.S., Health Information Transparency- Consult on types of data that should be collected and the use of such data. 408.05(8)(a), F.S., Established in agency the State Consumer Health Information and Policy Advisory Council to assist the center. 408.05(8)(h), F.S., The council’s duties and responsibilities include, but are not limited to: 1. Develop mission statement, goals, and a plan of action for the identification, collection, standardization, sharing, and coordination of health-related data across federal, state, and local government and private sector entities. 2. Develop review process to ensure cooperative planning among agencies that collect or maintain health-related data. 3. Create ad hoc issue-oriented technical workgroups on as-needed basis to make recommendations to the council.

4 For Advisory Council Consideration: Mission Statement
1. Develop mission statement, goals, and a plan of action for the identification, collection, standardization, sharing, and coordination of health-related data across federal, state, and local government and private sector entities. Current Mission Statement: The mission of the State Consumer Health Information and Policy Advisory Council is to assist the Agency in reviewing the comprehensive health information system, including the identification, collection, standardization, sharing, and coordination of health-related data, among federal, state, local, and private entities and to recommend improvements for purposes of public health, policy analysis, health information exchange and transparency of consumer health care information. Questions: Review Current Mission Statement Keep Current Statement Propose new statement

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