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Rethinking Class Time Power Up PD Module 9.

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1 Rethinking Class Time Power Up PD Module 9


3 Turn and Talk How would you spend your class period if time were no object? Imagine the bells are silent, and the clocks are frozen… what would you spend your time doing? As the moderator, a quick thought -- it’s not that 1:1 will give you unlimited time, nor should we impose all of our wanted “extras” on students at home, just because we could. The point is, we tend to spend a lot of time in class on things that aren’t crucial for face-to-face time (or teacher supported time). The first time we considered this question, we realized we would spend a lot more time reading with kids in class, but we didn’t think we had time for it, because we always had discussion in class. But when we also realized that we could have dynamic online discussions at home, our time in class became much more flexible. That’s the point of this question.

4 Rethinking Class Time “Old School”
time dictated what we did in class lessons had to work in class period-length chunks outside of class work was independent “New School” learning needs dictate what we do in class lessons can flow between school and home environments outside of class work is collaborative

5 Curating Flipped Content
Use what others have already created! Khan Academy Bozeman Science YouTubeEdu PBS,,, National TED, Ted-Ed The video example embedded here is from Bozeman Science ( This list is just the tip of the iceberg, and many great videos are just a google search away.

6 Plug In Check out the links in the previous slide. Pick a couple to investigate. Look around until you find a short video you could use to supplement one of your lessons, or replace it entirely. Plug in challenges are small tasks teachers can usually accomplish quickly, in the workshop, to get more familiar with the tools. These are suggestions, but you can change and adapt them to work for your staff.

7 What is “Blended Instruction?”
Blended instruction is the process of comingling face-to-face and online teaching, collaboration, and communication. The lines are blurred. It’s like you took homework and classwork, and dumped them in a blender.

8 Classroom Example: Flipping English
Create your own flipped content! - Jing - Snagit - QuickTime - ExplainEverything - Camtasia ($$$) This video is about finding theme. For some background about how Diana flips in English as a classroom example to share, read about it here:

9 Online Discussion Your LMS likely has a discussion board feature you could use to run online conversations. An alternative is collaborize classroom, a free online tool for posting text, links, and images. Consider classroom rules for online discussion, and be sure to review digital citizenship with students before you dive in!

10 Sample discussion board

11 Power Up Set up an online discussion for your class
Create your own flipped lesson Identify a “time suck” in your class and shift it outside of class. (ex. vocabulary lessons) Suggested challenges that you can adapt to the specifics of your situation.

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