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The French and Indian War

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1 The French and Indian War

2 North America, 1750

3 Causes of the French and Indian War
Fur trade Earliest & most important industry for French (business) in North America 1500s-1800s Beaver fur was used to make hats, they were the fashion in Europe. Land English colonists bought 500,000 acres of land in the Ohio Valley to farm. This would hurt the French colonial fur trade. Indian Relations French have better relationships with Indians. English wanted to take their land for farming. Most French colonists were fur traders and trappers. French only wanted the fur. They didn’t want to stay on the land.

4 British in North America French in North America
The English attack French Fort Duquesne. The attack was a disaster and was the beginning of the French and Indian War. British in North America French in North America

5 1763  Treaty of Paris France --> lost her Canadian possessions, most of her empire in India, and claims to lands east of the Mississippi River. Spain --> got all French lands west of the Mississippi River, New Orleans, but lost Florida to England. England --> got all French lands in Canada, exclusive rights to Caribbean slave trade, and commercial dominance in India.

6 North America in 1763

7 Effects of the War on Britain?
1. It increased her colonial empire in the Americas. 2. It greatly enlarged England’s debt. 3. Britain’s contempt for the colonials created bitter feelings. Therefore, England felt that a major reorganization of her American Empire was necessary!

8 Effects of the War on the American Colonials
1. It united them against a common enemy for the first time. 2. It created a socializing experience for all the colonials who participated. 3. It created bitter feelings towards the British that would only intensify.

9 Proclamation Line of 1763 Appalachian Mountains Mississippi River
The British declared that American colonists would not be allowed to set up or keep settlements west of an imaginary line running down the crest of the Appalachian Mountains. The proclamation acknowledged that Native Americans owned the lands on which they were then residing and white settlers in the area were to be removed. Appalachian Mountains Mississippi River

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