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WELCOME to 2018-2019 Open House Report to the Public.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to 2018-2019 Open House Report to the Public."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to Open House Report to the Public

2 Your FUTURE is a Work of ART
Howard Elementary Theme Your FUTURE is a Work of ART Create Your MASTERPIECE

3 Fort Smith Public Schools
Mission Statement Fort Smith Public Schools, a premier district where innovation creates excellence, is dedicated to providing an equitable, challenging educational experience by engaging families and community partners as we prepare students to embrace their roles in our culturally diverse community and rapidly changing world.

4 Howard Elementary School
Mission Statement The MISSION of Howard Elementary School is to empower ALL students with the knowledge to be successful, responsible, citizens.

5 Howard Elementary School Status School Wide Title I
95% Free & Reduced Lunch

6 Good Things Happening at Howard
Learning with a Growth Mindset The Power of YET All boys Sixth Grade class Gentlemen of Integrity Mindset Girls Inc. (Mondays through Thursdays) Inspired to become strong, smart & BOLD

7 Howard Elementary GOAL
Develop arts-rich digital learning experiences utilizing the SAMR model to promote critical thinking/problem solving skills schoolwide

8 PTA Officers 2018-2019 Howard Elementary
President- Zuella Gray Vice President- Jeanie Jones Secretary- Laurette Wright Treasurer- Amber Pitts Membership Chairpersons- Ms. Castro & Ms. Gonzalez Fundraiser Chairperson- Ashley Williamson

9 Partners In Education 2018-2019
Howard Elementary Partners In Education Weldon, Williams & Lick Gerber Products Lincoln High School Alumni Association Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Antioch Consolidated Association

10 Drop Off / Pick Up Procedures
The front drop-off area is for dropping students off in the mornings and picking students up after school. NO PARKING in front between the hours of 6:30a.m. – 8:05a.m. and 2:30p.m.-3:15p.

11 Drop Off Procedures To help with traffic flow,
8TH Street will be one way going South and “M” Street will be one way going West from 7:30a.m. – 8:10a.m.

12 Drop Off Procedures Mr. WILLIAMSON

13 CarRider Pro Pick Up Dismissal Helpful Hints
*Do not pick up your child before 2:45. *You MUST use your Dismissal Number. *If you lose your number, call the office and we will send another one home. *If you have a car PLEASE drive to the front. *Be kind and use manners at ALL times. *Do NOT use cell phones while operating a vehicle in a school zone.

14 Howard Elementary School begins at 8:00 each day
School Policies School begins at 8:00 each day School dismisses at 3:05. It is very important to your child’s education that they are on time and in attendance ALL day EACH day.

15 MASTERPIECE Howard Elementary 2018-2019 Thank you for attending
Your FUTURE is a Work of ART Create Your MASTERPIECE Thank you for attending Gracias por su asistencia

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