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Research Project Overview

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1 Research Project Overview

2 Standards 9-10.W.PDW.6 Use technology, including the Internet, to produce, publish, and update individual or shared writing products, taking advantage of technology's capacity to link to other information and to display information flexibly and dynamically W.RBPK7 Conduct and write short as well as more sustained research projects to answer a question (including a self-generated question) or solve a problem by narrowing or broadening the inquiry when appropriate, synthesizing multiple sources on the subject, and demonstrating a new understanding of the subject under investigation.

3 Learning Targets Choose a time period to research. (9-10.W.RBPK.7, W. RBPK.8) Create a series of questions for research. (9- 10.W.RBPK.7, 9-10.W. RBPK.8) Begin conducting research to deepen our understanding of the ways our society memorializes eras of turmoil. (9-10.W.RBPK.7, 9-10.W. RBPK.8)

4 Do- Now February 25th ( 7 min)
Turn to page 936 in your literature book and complete 1-4 and Writing for Assessment. Only write the letter choice.

5 How does our society memorialize social injustice?
Guiding Question How does our society memorialize social injustice?

6 Today we are going to start brain-storming ideas for your research paper essay.

7 What is a research paper?
A research paper consists of gaining informational/ factual evidence about a particular topic. In order to know what size Lebron shoes are or how to fix a broken IPhone screen you would need to do your research.

8 What will my research paper be about?
Today you are going to pick ONE of the four topics listed below to research how the particular era is memorialized. Civil Rights Movement ( people, places, events) Holocaust ( people, places, events) Civil War ( people, places, events) American Revolution ( people, places, events)

9 What is my requirement for my research ?
Intro Background About Time Era: (1 paragraph) Body Paragraphs Body Paragraph I: Tragedies that took place during the era(1 paragraph) Body Paragraph II: Where and how the time period is being memorialized ( 2 paragraphs) Conclusion Summarize how the time period being memorialized had an effect on today’s society by preventing tragic events from happening again. (1 Paragraph) YOU SHOULD NOT EXCEED MORE THAN 5-6 PARAGRAPHS.

10 Research Formatting Requirements
MLA Format Times New Roman or Arial Font 12 or 14 font size Double Spaced / indented paragraphs 5 paragraphs (5-7 sentences in each) Works Cited Page ( 2 references)

11 Before we research, let’s talk about plagiarism. AKA ( Copy and Paste)
As a English teacher, I know your writing ability, therefore, do not take another person’s words without giving credit. Let’s practice paraphrasing to insure you don’t plagiarize.

12 Paraphrase the following in your own words. ( The Wilderness Society)
At least four national park units and memorials are associated with the life of  civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., but the one that explores King's early life and the forces that shaped him is the Martin Luther King Jr. National Historical Park in Georgia. The site preserves multiple places of interest that honor King's life and message. Among them are King's childhood home, the historic Ebenezer Baptist Church where both King and his father were pastors, the "I Have a Dream" world Peace Rose Garden and the final resting place of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Corretta Scott King. 

13 Quotes Use quotation marks “ “ to show EXACTLY what the author was saying (Do NOT use more than 4 lines) Include Author’s Last Name and Page Number on which you found the information, directly after the quote For example, According to Hughes, “poetry rocks!” (Hughes, p. 2)

14 Note Cards Note cards allows you to PARAPHRASE your researched information so that you will not be struggling to find information to put in your paper.

15 Note Card Example ( 4 items needed)

16 Let’s generate 4-5 questions
Jot down 4-5 questions that you might have about your topic. All of the topics are broad ( larger) therefore you might have questions about how certain people, places, events, and tragedies during those time periods were memorialized? Narrowed Questions ( smaller topic) How do Jewish Americans honor the Holocaust? How does Tennessee memorialize the Civil Rights Movement? Is there a museum that honor’s children who survived the Holocaust? What monuments commemorate former slaves in America?

17 Cites ending in the following are HIGHLY reliable.
Reliable Sources Remember you are only required to have 2 references therefore find a cite that has a lot of detailed information. Cites ending in the following are HIGHLY reliable. .org ( organization) .edu ( educational) .gov ( government) NO WIKIPEDIA= ZERO

18 Tonight’s homework Have 4 note cards filled out pertaining to possible background information about your era. If you do not have index cards, cut your notebook paper up the size of an index card and follow the provided steps for filling them out. Make sure you include where your information came from onto your notecard.

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