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Presentation on theme: "(Addition/Subtraction)"— Presentation transcript:

1 (Addition/Subtraction)
Today’s Lesson: What: one-step equations (Addition/Subtraction) Why: . . . so I can solve addition and subtraction one-step equations using both algebra tiles and the traditional paper/ pencil method. How: . . . by engaging in the lesson, correctly taking notes, and showing my work while completing my homework!

2 How is the Inverse Property of Addition used when solving an equation? 

3 In your own words, describe the Golden Rule of Algebra.

4 Solving Equations: GOAL:
To get the variable ____________________ (“isolating” the variable)!! RULE: What you do to one side of the equals (=) sign, you MUST do to ________________________ (Golden Rule of Algebra”)! by itself the other side

5 We have to get “x” by itself!
Addition Equations: x = -2 What number is with “x”? We have to get “x” by itself! Paper/Pencil Method: x + 2 = -2 +(-2) +(-2) x = -4 2) x + (-3) = 7 Paper/Pencil Method: x + (-3) = 7 + 3 + 3 x = 10

6 TOGETHER (paper/ pencil method only):
x = -11 x = -51 4) -25 = x + (-75) x = 50

7 Your turn: 5) x = -3 x = 25

8 Subtraction Equations:
x = 7 Do KCC first! Paper/Pencil Method: x - 4 = 7 + 4 + 4 x = 11 2) x = -2 Paper/Pencil Method: x - 3 = -2 + 3 + 3 x = 1

9 TOGETHER (paper/ pencil method only):
x = -2 x = 20 4) -3 = x x = 31

10 Your turn: 5) x = 30 x = 94

11 What about the “double negative” equations?
6) x – ( -2) = 5 x = 3 Your turn: 7) x – ( -9 ) = -11 x = -20

12 How is the inverse property of addition used when solving an equation?
WRAP IT UP/SUMMARY: How is the inverse property of addition used when solving an equation? In your own words, describe the Golden Rule of Algebra.


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