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Workshop of “Best practices” Luxemburg January 2010 User support

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Presentation on theme: "Workshop of “Best practices” Luxemburg January 2010 User support"— Presentation transcript:

1 Workshop of “Best practices” Luxemburg 25-26 January 2010 User support

2 I. Core business – Major Findings
II. Promotional activities of Eurostat and the network III. Development of user support network 2

3 « Interesting requests… »
“Please send me some statistics” "Provide an 800 tel number.“ "Dear ESDS/User support team, thank you very much for providing me with the data, it's been very helpful. Great and quick service from you, great job that is highly appreciated.“ "The website is an absolute horror if you only want to place an order for a printed publication.“ "Put back the original extraction option“ 3

4 Development of User Support Network
starting with 18 countries in Q4:2004 Status Q4:2009: 18 countries with grant contracts 3 countries via Phare program 3 countries with « Gentlemen’s agreement » International Organisations + third countries: intermediate solution Internalisation of French support 4

5 Major Findings trends from technical to complex requests
Number of requests 2004/2005: 2005/2006: 2006/2007: 2007/2008: 2008/2009: 5

6 Increase in Complex Requests (when Eurostat Production Units need to be consulted)
2004/2005: /2006: /2007: /2008: 2 195 2008/2009: 2 232 Trend: more detailed questions, because users either cannot find the data or metadata via the website or they are questioning the figures. 6

7 Type of users Q4:2009 7 NSI Estat Commercial company/enterprise
40,72% ,52% Student or Academic 33,17% ,11% Public administration/Government 7,16% ,08% Private user 9,35% ,28% Other 2,14% % Press and other media 3,46% % National Statistical Institute 1,67% ,27% Political parties and political organisations 0.60% ,10% EU institution/agency 0.75% % International organisation 0.98% ,24% 7

8 Support Network requests

9 Requests sent to Eurostat directly
Q4/ Assist s phone* Total Central support French support** Eurostat * Since summer 2008 ** Internalised since October 2009 9

10 Promotional activities by the Network (supported by the grants)
Fairs Events Web sites Conferences Presentations Mailings Animation (17 languages requested) Posters Direct contact with users!  10

11 Some promotional activities 2009
Online Information, London December 2009 ISI Conference, Durban SA August 2009 Commission Open doors, Brussels May 2009 11

12 2009: 2010: New statistical legislation
‚Member States and the Commission, within their respective spheres of competence, shall provide the necessary support to ensure equality of access to European Statistics for all users‘ Grants running Oct – Sept. 2010 2010: Workshop on 25-26/1/2010 Call for tender: Transparency 12

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