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Working in collaboration with NHS Improvement
Guide to AHPs4PH Public Health and Prevention Quality Improvement Collaborative Working in collaboration with NHS Improvement Title slide with embedded images
NHS Improvement National Team
AHPs4PH Team Name Organisation Role Laura Charlesworth AHPs4PH Programme Lead, Senior Responsible Officer AHPs4PH and Mentor Linda Hindle AHPs4PH/PHE Project Team and Mentor Anna Lowe Naomi McVey NHS England Senior Advisor and Mentor Charlene Mulhern PHE Jacqueline McKenna, MBE Director of Nursing Leadership NHS Improvement NHS Improvement National Team Joanne Fillingham Clinical Director AHPs Senior Responsible Officer NHSI Ruth Olaitan Project Support Officer NHSI TBC Project Team Lead NHSI
Background AHPs4PH was developed in 2016 as a community of interest for Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) and their teams. The group provides a platform to share and promote good practice, stay up to date with current policy and guidance and ultimately, help equip AHPs to improve the health of the public. It now has more than 2200 members and is a vibrant online community. The AHPs4PH team developed the AHPs4PH Advocates campaign. The scheme which ran for the first time last year, consisted of selected AHPs being supported to deliver a service improvement (SI) project related to Public Health using recognised quality improvement (QI) framework within their service. The rationale for this development is; To encourage implementation of small-scale public health improvement projects. To build capacity amongst AHPs with QI methods. To build capacity in PH leadership in AHPs. To develop a suite of SI/PH case studies. To test out the feasibility of this approach (i.e. cohort of supported SI/PH AHPs). To grow the AHPs4PH network AHPs4PH want the Advocate scheme to be a meaningful development opportunity for AHPs. This year AHPs4PH have the support of NHS Improvement to run the Advocates scheme again using a 30, 60, 90 day collaborative approach and the model for improvement.
Communications – National & Local level
Programme structure LAUNCH DAY 30 DAY 60 DAY 90 DAY Spread and sustain Communications – National & Local level
Model for Improvement Aim Measures Ideas
What are we trying to accomplish? How will we know that a change is an improvement? What change can we make that will result in improvement? Act Plan Study Do Be specific! - SMART E.g. Decrease falls - Where? By how much? By When? Aim Measures Ideas Basic model for improvement – IHI model, there are a number of other approaches; slightly different but as effective (lean / six sigma). I personally find this model very accessible and easy to remember . PDSA cycles most people are happy with; key point of continuous improvement is that PDSA cycles, i.e. multiple PDSA’s in a row will help refine and solve problems.
Objectives and desired outcomes
Short term aims of this project are: To support 25 Advocates to implement a SI project related to public health. To equip Advocates to use an quality improvement methodology. To complete projects within the timescale. To create a suite of case studies based on completed projects. To ensure that individuals consider the impact of their project where appropriate. To inspire further change across a wider network of AHPs through a broad dissemination programme. To develop the network of Advocates so that they can support future cohorts. Longer term aims To increase the awareness of public health and prevention as everyone’s business. To improve care services by ensuring public health interventions are at the heart of everything we do.
How will the programme measure achievement of the purpose / outcomes?
Outcome Measure % 1. To support 25 Advocates to implement a SI project related to public health. Survey post collaborative 100% advocates said they were supported by the AHPs4PH and NHSI team 2. To equip Advocates to use an quality improvement methodology. 100% of advocates felt equipped to use quality improvement methodology to deliver their projects 3. To complete projects within the timescale. Dates of submission of posters 90% or projects complete their final poster on time. 4. To create a suite of case studies based on completed projects. Case study completion 90% of projects will create a case study that will be considered for publication on NHS Improvement Hub. 5. To ensure that individuals consider the impact of their project where appropriate. Individual impact metrics for each project Every project, 100%, will have adopted metrics to demonstrate impact of their project. Each project will develop bespoke measures to assess the impact of the changes they are making – these will be agreed and developed locally. 6. To inspire further change across a wider network of AHPs through a broad dissemination programme. Stakeholder engagement and dissemination plan 100% of projects will have a stakeholder engagement and dissemination plan 7. To develop the network of Advocates so that they can support future cohorts. Membership of AHPs4PH 100% of advocates will be invited to be a member of AHPs4PH
Project scope, exclusions & approach
The Advocates project is a development of the AHPs4PH community of practice supported by NHS Improvement. Each project will be supported by AHPs4PH and NHSI, however each individual Advocate will "own" their project and will be supported locally by their own team, department & trust. The Advocates will not be funded by AHPs4PH and therefore must have local support to ensure feasibility of their project and the requirements of the Advocates programme . The aim of the project will recruit an initial cohort through expressions of interest promoted by NHSI, professional bodies and the AHPs4PH social media accounts. The AHPs4PH team will select Advocates from the expressions of interest using pre-determined criteria. This will take into consideration feasibility of the project and ensure geographical range and ensure that a range of professions are represented within the cohort. Configuration strategy - All ideas implemented locally are "owned" by the individual/local trust and not AHPS4PH. However any published work should outline that the project was completed as an AHPs4PH Advocate. Advocates must agree to acknowledge the support given by AHPs4Ph in all disseminated and future communications. Risk Management strategy - Individual projects must comply with local H&S policies; it is the responsibility of the Advocate to ensure this.
Programme events All project team members will be required to attend the following: Launch Event: -10th May - Manchester 30 day Event: - 15th June - London 60 day Event: - 17th July - Birmingham 90 day Event: - 13th September- London Further event to be scheduled to review project updates. In between these events we will be on hand to support you via and telephone. These events are FREE to attend. Travel & subsistence costs need to be covered by your organisation.
In preparation for the programme launch event:
Identify the clinical areas to participate in the collaborative (start small) Map where you are currently with regard to the specific area you are focusing on improving, reviewing evidence base, policies and procedures. Think about collation of baseline data (template to follow) Think about who can support you – building a team. Delivering an improvement project may require a team of people to support you. Alongside your manager, who will be required to be informed and supportive of the project, your Director of Nursing/Chief Nurse will also be informed via the NHSI regional nurse and invited to be the executive sponsor. Other expertise you may wish to gain for help and support might be: other clinical colleagues, project management support (PMO office) or finance (if you are wanting to demonstrate cost gain). Membership of the team needs to be relevant to the clinical area & improvement topic chosen. The team will not be required to attend the events.
Launch day and post launch day
Listen to previous advocates projects and journey. Learn about improvement methodology (in practice), including Driver diagrams, Process mapping, PDSA cycles, Measuring for improvement etc. Learn about methodology to demonstrate impact. Agree your improvement project / area of focus. Review baseline data and prepare to collect data throughout the course of the programme. Complete a process map on your chosen area of improvement and submit to the programme. Update your Trust Board of your participation in the improvement work Start testing changes in your selected clinical areas, remembering to populate your PDSA template. Attend 30 day event
Event 2 (30 Day event) Share and Learn about improvements (PDSAs) tried and tested by your peers Learn about measurement for improvement to enable you to collect data & understand the impact of your changes Prepare a Stakeholder engagement and dissemination plan to share your improvement journey with colleagues in your trust. To be shared at the 60 day event Prepare a poster to share your tests of change at the next event. Attend 60 day event
Event 3 (60 day event) Share learning via posters with peers.
Learn about methods to scale and sustain changes Capture the learning about how you have improved quality of care Calculate the cost avoidance from scaling up the project across your organisation Prepare a launch video / presentation to share with the rest of your organisation to spread this work in your trust. You will showcase this at the celebration event
Event 4 (90 day event) Celebrate successes of your improvement work
Share and learn ideas to scale and sustain improvement in your organisation Identify further areas of (potential) support required to sustain changes/improvements Prepare material to showcase successes as per you dissemination plan.
Next Steps Consider the commitment required to participate in this programme – this includes attendance at all events and completion of activities between each programme stage. Think about what improvement project/change idea you would like to implement utilising quality improvement in your area of practice and the support of a network to do so. Speak to your line manager and/or AHP lead for support and sponsorship. If you are interested in participating, please submit an expression of interest to with your name, profession, organisation an outline describing what you feel you can contribute the advocate role an overview of your change/improvement idea (public health and prevention focused and supports the delivery of AHPs into Action impact one) recognition of the commitment needing to be made (including attendance at the four events) the name of the project sponsor within your organisation who has given agreement to your involvement. Between 21st March – 2nd April 2018. Contact any of the AHPs4PH team via for further details.
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