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Presentation on theme: "Light."— Presentation transcript:

1 Light

2 What is light? Light is energy we can see, a wave we can see
Lacks a medium and travels perpendicular towards an object White light is a mixture of all colors found in a rainbow

3 Light is a Electromagnetic wave
Lacks a medium Travels perpendicular towards an object

4 Electromagnetic Waves
EMR requires no medium to travel so waves can travel thru a vacuum (such as outer space.) Speed (light and other types of EMS waves) 300,000 kilometers /sec 186,000 miles /sec Consists of changing electric and magnetic fields

5 Electromagnetic Waves
Long wavelength : Low Frequency & Low Energy Short wavelength : High Frequency & High Energy Types of Electromagnetic wave depends on wavelength and Frequency

6 Lights Motion Causes Colors
Light is transmitted, causing it to travel as a transverse wave It becomes absorbed into objects that it diffracts into Reflects only waves absorbed by the object

7 Black and White Black results when an object absorbs all color, reflecting no light White results when an object reflects all color. Light is naturally white, so an object reflect light, reflects every color that makes up white

8 Why do we see a rainbow? Which wave interaction changes the speed of a wave? It causes a wave to bend. As the rain falls or moisture becomes present, what happens to the light waves? Explain its Transmission: Absorption: Interaction: Reflection:

9 How does light behave Transparent: light travels through it
Translucent: allows some but not all Opaque : no light goes through it at all

10 Types of reflection in you notes predict which behavior will occur
construction paper wax paper aluminum foil (unwrinkled) cloth plastic glass

11 Natural Light Found in nature Most abundant Examples:
The Sun, Fire, bioluminescent organisms (they make own light and glow)

12 Synthetic Light (Man Made)
Incandescent : high temperatures give off light, (light bulb) Fluorescent: particles absorb invisible light and turn it into visible light Chemiluminescent: chemicals give off light Phosphorescent: light is absorbed into something and give off light once originally light is removed

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