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Review about DNA.

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Presentation on theme: "Review about DNA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review about DNA

2 What is the structure below called?

3 What are the three pieces that make up a nucleotide?
Phosphate Nitrogen Base Sugar

4 What kinds of bonds exists between the Bases of DNA?

5 Watson and Crick found that DNA was in the shape of an?

6 Adenine always binds with______
Cytosine always binds with_____ Thymine always binds with_____ Guanine always binds with_____

7 Chromosomes Eukaryotes Prokaryotes Found in the nucleus
DNA is found in the cytoplasm Single circular DNA molecules DNA replication begins at a single point in the chromosome & proceeds in both directions until the chromosome is replicated Eukaryotes Found in the nucleus Chromosome number varies between species DNA replication occurs at hundreds of places called replication forks

8 Chromosomes How much DNA in a human nucleus? What is chromatin?
more than 1 meter What is chromatin? DNA tightly coiled around proteins called histones

9 Chromosomes How are chromosomes constructed?
DNA & histones form beadlike structures called nucleosomes Nucleosomes pack with one another to form thick fibers Fibers are shortened by a system of loops & coils

10 Replication

11 Replication – General Info
The exact copying of DNA Replication occurs in both directions DNA must be copied before cells divide  each daughter cell has a complete set of DNA Original strands serve as templates for new strands

12 Replication – General Info
How it happens: Helicase (enzyme) unwinds the DNA by breaking hydrogen bonds

13 Replication – General Info
DNA polymerase (enzyme) joins individual nucleotides to each separated strand, producing DNA molecule DNA polymerase also proofreads each new DNA strand to make perfect copies

14 Replication – General Info
Results: 2 DNA molecules  each contains one original strand & one new strand


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