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Welcome to the AEM Quality Indicator Series, Part 2!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to the AEM Quality Indicator Series, Part 2!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to the AEM Quality Indicator Series, Part 2!
We’ll begin shortly Material is available for download at To view closed captions: Click on the Closed Caption button in your Zoom controls Captions will appear along the bottom of your Zoom window @AEM_Center

2 Contribute to the Conversation
To use the text chat: Open the chat panel Choose “all panelists and attendees” from the dropdown menu above the text entry field And please tweet out to #aem4all @AEM_Center

3 AEM Quality Indicators for K-12 Part 2: Developing and Implementing Written Guidelines

4 The Quality Indicators for the Provision of AEM K-12
A coordinated system Timely manner Written guidelines Comprehensive learning opportunities and technical assistance Systemic data collection Use of data to guide changes Allocation of resources @AEM_Center

5 Objectives Participants will be able to
Explain, in their own words, the intent behind AEM Quality Indicator 3 Learn from the experiences and practices of other states to improve their own guidelines for the provision of AEM Know where to go to build more background knowledge and collect resources for further learning. @AEM_Center

6 Presenters Cynthia Curry AEM Center Director David Davis
PS/RtI-Technology & Learning Connections | Florida’s MTSS Projects Jessica McKay AT Specialist, Ysleta ISD Special Education, Texas @AEM_Center

7 About Quality Indicator 3
Written Guidelines @AEM_Center

8 Quality Indicator 3 The agency develops and implements written guidelines related to effective and efficient acquisition, provision, and use of accessible materials and technologies. Intent: Written guidelines include the roles, knowledge, skills, actions, alignment, and coordination required for delivery of accessible materials and technologies in a timely manner. Guidelines are communicated in multiple ways (e.g., webinars, infographics, websites) and broadly disseminated to ensure that all responsible parties can understand and apply them. @AEM_Center

9 Sample Components of Quality Indicator 3
Guidance that specifies federal, state, and local policies (accessibility standards, copyright, IDEA, etc.) Procedural guidelines for decision-making processes related to students who need AEM and accessible technologies (IEP documentation, transition plans, Summaries of Performance, etc.) Procedural guidelines for procurement processes (RFPs, contracts, OER curation, etc.) Delineation of duties and responsibilities at all levels @AEM_Center

10 Pre Self-Reflection To what extent is Quality Indicator 3 addressed in your own provision of materials and technologies for students? Not started Somewhat Really cooking! @AEM_Center

11 AEM & AIM @AEM_Center

12 Florida David Davis, Coordinator, PS/RtI Technology & Learning Resources Project, University of South Florida – How does Florida provide written guidelines on AIM and provide professional development support for AIM/AEM and assistive technology? @AEM_Center

13 Florida Dept. of Education AIM Guidelines
Technical Assistance Paper (TAP) on Accessible Instructional Materials Technical Assistance Paper (TAP) on Assistive Technology Accommodations Manual @AEM_Center

14 Florida Dept. of Education AIM Guidelines, cont’d
UDL Publishers Self- Assessment Rubric District Yearly K-12 Reading Plans What’s Special About Special Education? A Conceptual Framework for MTSS and Universal Instruction @AEM_Center

15 Statewide Supports AEM Contact Page
NIMAS-Florida & Florida Instructional Materials Center – Visually Impaired Resource Materials Technology Center – Deaf/Hard of Hearing @AEM_Center

16 Statewide Supports, cont’d
PS/RtI Technology & Learning Connections (TLC) Project Florida Diagnostic & Learning Resources System (FDLRS) @AEM_Center

17 Ysleta ISD, Texas Jessica McKay, AT Specialist @AEM_Center

18 Ysleta ISD El Paso, TX 43,000 students 63 campuses
Over 10% of students receive special education services @AEM_Center

19 21st Century Classroom Standards
Created by our Innovative Learning Department Distributed to all administrators as a way to provide guidance for planning/budgeting Included language regarding accessible materials @AEM_Center

20 Website Guidelines Created by Public Relations Department
Distributed to all campus and district webpage masters Include specific examples of accessibility @AEM_Center

21 YISD Textbook Adoption- District Purchased
All materials are screened through a District Committee (Fed/State Programs, Academics, Innovative Learning) Campuses are provided voice on selection of materials purchased through district federal/state funds. Committee members are provided a rubric to score the materials they review Materials purchased by campuses directly are not under any specific guidelines/regulations Currently working to include accessibility in the rubric for adoption process. @AEM_Center

22 Q&A Developing and Implementing Written Guidelines @AEM_Center

23 Questions for David (FL) and Jessica (Ysleta ISD)

24 Post Self-Reflection What will be your first action toward developing and implementing written guidelines for the provision of accessible materials and technologies? @AEM_Center

25 AEM Progress Monitoring Tool for K-12 on the Horizon!
Accessolution? Traccessibility? Accessiful? @AEM_Center

26 Contact Information Cynthia Curry, Director, AEM Center @clcurry Please access digital handout for contact information and resources provided by our presenters @AEM_Center

27 Link to Our Evaluation Please take a moment to complete our evaluation

28 OSEP Disclaimer The contents of this presentation were developed under a cooperative agreement with the US Department of Education, #H327Z However, those contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the US Department of Education and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government, Project Officer, Tara Courchaine, Ed.D. @AEM_Center

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