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Glib (adjective) [glib]

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Presentation on theme: "Glib (adjective) [glib]"— Presentation transcript:

1 Glib (adjective) [glib]
Definition: Speech is readily fluent, but often thoughtless and superficial

2 Glib Related Forms: glibly, adverb glibness, noun

3 Glib Synonyms: Fluent Talkative Slick Articulate Shallow Superficial
unlucky unfortunate unlikely

4 Glib Quite Tongue-tied Silent Inarticulate Near Antonyms: unlucky
unfortunate unlikely

5 Glib A hiring manager might think you're being glib, or slick, if you say you've led a successful company when you actually never even had a job. The glib car salesman used his polished sales techniques to talk his customers into buying lemons.

6 Glib Video Example In an interview conducted by Matt Lauer, Tom Cruise accuses Matt of being, “glib” .

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