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Welcome to your pre-exam session! USA,

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1 Welcome to your pre-exam session! USA, 1929 - 2000

2 An overview reminder… 5 questions.
The unit had 7 sections, so the 5 questions will cover 5 of these sections. All recall questions, but you will need your general evaluation and analysis skills. 45 minutes.

3 Q1 – Describe… Describe = give information
Link the info to the TOPIC of the question. Identify any key dates / time periods / events / people in the question. Include a RANGE of information – 2 or 3 key points.

4 Q1 – Describe Describe = give information
Link the info to the TOPIC of the question. Identify any key dates / time periods / events / people in the question. Include a RANGE of information – 2 or 3 key points.

5 AO1 (a) 5 marks Mark Gives detailed information to fully describe the issue. Appropriate historical context. 4 - 5 Some information given that partially describes the issue. 2 - 3 Very limited knowledge / information given. Basic statement only. 1

6 Describe the early policies of Hoover in dealing with the Great Depression. (5 marks)
Describe the opposition to the New Deal. (5 marks) Describe changes in the relationship between the USA and USSR from 1979 onwards. (5 marks) Describe the general terms of the SALT I and SALT II agreements. (5 marks)

7 Q2 – How far did… change… Identify the TOPIC of the question. What does the examiner want to see key information on? Include areas where change happened. Include areas that did not change. Support your points with evidence / examples. Reach a clear judgement about the degree of change that occurred. Use judgement language.

8 Q2 – How far did… change… Identify the TOPIC of the question. What does the examiner want to see key information on? Include areas where change happened. Include areas that did not change. Support your points with evidence / examples. Reach a clear judgement about the degree of change that occurred. Use judgement language.

9 AO1(a+b) 2 marks AO2 4 marks Fully analyses nature and extent of change, well supported judgement, set in historical context. 3 - 4 Demonstrates detailed understanding of the key feature of the question. 2 Begins to analyse extent of change. A partial judgement (gives an answer, but not substantiated). Demonstrates some understanding of the key feature of the question. 1 Limited analysis of extent of change.

10 How far did WWII change the economy of the USA? (6 marks)
How far the civil rights legislation of the 1960s change the lives of black Americans by 1970? (6 marks)

11 Q3 – 3 features… Arrange the developments in the order of their significance…
It is essential to put all 3 into an order (there is no right of wrong for this). Include subject knowledge about each thing – to describe it AND explain its significance. EXPLAIN = Give clear REASONS why something was important – consider the impact it had / what it led to. Higher level answers: comparative = why something is more / less significant than something else.

12 Q3 – 3 features… Arrange the developments in the order of their significance…
It is essential to put all 3 into an order (there is no right of wrong for this). Include subject knowledge about each thing – to describe it AND explain its significance. Give clear REASONS why something was important – consider the impact it had / what it led to. Higher level answers: comparative = why something is more / less significant than something else.

13 AO1 (a+b) 3 marks AO2 6 marks Detailed knowledge and understanding of features mentioned. 3 Fully explains significance of factors. Clear, well supported justifications o relative significance. Appropriate historical context. 5 - 6 Some knowledge of the features in the question. 2 Begins to explain significance. Some justification of relative significance. 3 - 4 Very limited knowledge shown. 1 Limited explanation of significance. Little attempt to justify decision made. 1 - 2

14 Relations between the USA and USSR deteriorated between 1945 and 1963 due to events such as:
The Truman Doctrine The Berlin Blockage and airlift The Cuban Missile Crisis. Arrange the developments in order of their significance in bringing about a deterioration in relations between the USA and USSR. Explain you choices.

15 Q4 – Explain why… EXPLAIN = give REASONS.
3 clear reasons linked to the topic. Use key term ‘because’ to fully explain. ‘This led to _____ because…’

16 Q4 – Explain why… EXPLAIN = give REASONS.
3 clear reasons linked to the topic. Use key term ‘because’ to fully explain. ‘This led to _____ because…’

17 AO1 (a+b) 3 marks AO2 5 marks Detailed knowledge of the features in the question (supported reasons with examples). 3 Detailed understanding of a range of factors / fully explains (3 + reasons). Fully analyses and explains the issue within historical context. 4 - 5 Some knowledge of features in the question. 2 Some understanding shown = partial explanation / begins to explain the issue. Some analysis (1 – 2 reasons). 2 - 3 Very limited knowledge shown. 1 Generalised and mainly descriptive response. Limited understanding shown.

18 Explain why some people / groups opposed Roosevelt’s New Deal
Explain why some people / groups opposed Roosevelt’s New Deal. (8 marks) Explain why student protest grew in the 1960s. (8 marks)

19 Q5 – How important was… 2 paragraphs and a conclusion.
P1 = factor / issue in the question. Include specific evidence, linked to the question. Give judgement. P2 = other important factors. Include specific evidence, linked to the question. Give a judgement. Conclusion = compare judgements. Give a definite overall decision, linked to the question. Use judgement language.

20 Q5 – How important was… 2 paragraphs and a conclusion.
P1 = factor / issue in the question. Include specific evidence, linked to the question. Give judgement. P2 = other important factors. Include specific evidence, linked to the question. Give a judgement. Conclusion = compare judgements. Give a definite overall decision, linked to the question. Use judgement language.

21 AO1 (a+b) 4 marks AO2 – 8 marks Very detailed knowledge and understanding of key issue in the question. 4 Fully analyses and evaluates the importance of key issue against other factors. Reasoned and well supported judgement. Appropriate historical context. 7 - 8 Detailed knowledge and understanding of key issue in the question. 3 Analyses and evaluates key issue against other factors. Clear attempt to arrive at a judgement with support. 5 - 6 Some knowledge and understanding of key issue in the question. 2 Begins to analyse and evaluate. Unsupported judgement. 3 – 4 Generalised answer displaying basic knowledge and understanding. 1 Little attempt to analyse and evaluate. 1 - 2

22 How important was the issue of education in the struggle for civil rights in the 1950s? (12 marks)

23 Congratulations – first session completed!!
Have a break – help yourself to a snack and something to drink. Coming up…. Crime and Punishment!

24 Question 1 Describe the process of Détente. (5 marks)
Describe the bus boycott. (5 marks) Describe the events of Watergate. (5 marks) Describe the changing role of women from the 1950s. (5 marks) Describe relations between the USA and China. (5 marks)

25 Question 2 How far had relations between the USA and USSR changed between 1945 and 1962? (6 marks) How far did the New Deal solve the problems of the Great Depression? (6 marks)

26 Question 3 The campaign for securing equality for black Americans during the 1960s was influenced by developments such as: The Voting Rights Act The Montgomery Bus Boycott The Civil Rights Act Arrange these developments in order of their significance in influencing the campaign for securing equality for black Americans. Explain your choices [9]

27 Question 4 Explain why Roosevelt appealed to Americans in the 1932 election. (8 marks) Explain why the US economy went through a period of prosperity after WWII. (8 marks) Explain why the USA took a hard line against the USSR after (8 marks)

28 Question 5 How important was the relationship between Reagan and Gorbachev in bringing about an end to the Cold War? (12 marks)

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