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Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine

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1 Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine
Greece GR Home page: Contact address: Established in Athens 1976 Joined UENPS in 2018 Current president: George Daskalakis Name of country in national language: HELLAS No of inhabitants: 10,738,000 No of annual births: 92,000 Members The Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine has regular members, honorary members and assessors. No of Members: 467 (252 OB/GYN, 215 PED/NEON) HSPM members may become all specialized obstetricians and neonatologists who have been educated and engaged in Perinatal and Fetal Medicine. Also pediatricians whose subspecialties are related to perinatal period issues (pediatric neurologists, pediatric cardiologists, pediatric nephrologists, doctors specialized in human development etc.), as well as doctors of other medical specialties directly related to the perinatal period (anesthesiologists, perinatal epidemiologists, perinatal pathologists, pediatric haematologists, child surgeons, geneticists etc.). Elections every 2 years. Previous activities The Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine is a member of: The World Association of Perinatal Medicine The European Association of Perinatal Medicine The South East European Society of Perinatal Medicine (founding member) The UENPS National Conference of Perinatal Medicine in Athens (every 2 years) Organized the XIX European Congress of Perinatal Medicine 2004 (Athens) Protocols in Perinatal Medicine Several Conferences throughout Greece Journal of “Perinatal Medicine & Neonatology”

2 Hellenic Society of Perinatal Medicine
Greece GR Home page: Contact address: Established in Athens 1976 Joined UENPS in 2018 Current president: George Daskalakis Name of country in national language: HELLAS No of inhabitants: 10,738,000 No of annual births: 92,000 The main current goals and challenges To promote the objectives of Perinatal Medicine. To establish the best possible care for the fetus and the neonate. To achieve a closer cooperation between obstetricians, neonatologists and all related specialties dealing with fetus and newborn-related health issues. The HSPM now is preparing a national campaign for the national and also european problem of the low birth rate. It is estimated that in 30 years from now the Greek population will decline by about 2,500,000 people. Expectations from UENPS in 2018 Join meetings in Perinatology, Locally organized advanced courses in Perinatal and Neonatal care. Participation in international meetings organized by UENPS, multicenter studies, committees of UENPS.

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