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This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during.

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Presentation on theme: "This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during."— Presentation transcript:

1 This presentation will probably involve audience discussion, which will create action items. Use PowerPoint to keep track of these action items during your presentation In Slide Show, click on the right mouse button Select “Meeting Minder” Select the “Action Items” tab Type in action items as they come up Click OK to dismiss this box This will automatically create an Action Item slide at the end of your presentation with your points entered. From Print Archive of staff publications to the Digital Repository of the Technical University Košice Milena Maťašovská Tetřevová Head of Scientific Information Department Žigmund Maťašovský Head of Automation Departent University Library Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

2 Outline Scholarly publications and New Trends
Digital Library Initiative at TU Košice Future Development and Projects 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

3 Scholarly publications
Content Any work generated by research staff and students of universities in any format Core purpose Communication of research outcomes worldwide Representation Intellectual output (capital) of university Indicator of academic quality, institutional visibility and prestige Source data for bibliometric research and evaluation of quality 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

4 Ways of scholarly communication
Two competing interests Creator (ownership and copyright) Public (widest access, dissemination of information) Traditional publishing system Limitation of readership (economic and copyright issues) New publishing trend – posting research online based on digital publishing technologies - cost effective way for expanding scholarly communication 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

5 New Publishing Alternatives
Promote Open Access to research worldwide based on interoperability standards (2002, ARL, self-archiving in institutional / disciplinary repositories open access journals Promoted by various initiatives (Budapest OAI, SPARC, Public Library of Science) Implementations (PubMed Central, e-Print archive, CiteSeer, Institutional repositories, ...) 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

6 Research documentation in Slovakia
One of the Main functions of academic library (Slovak Library Act, 2000) Bibliographic registration and archiving of staff publications Methodology rules in 1998 (ProScientia project) Instruction courses for academic librarians (AACR2, UNIMARC, MARC 21, use of national cathegorization, statistics) 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

7 Scholarly publications at the Technical University Košice
TU Košice, founded in 1952 8 Faculties full-time undergraduates 700 post-graduate (doctoral) students 900 teachers research and admin staff 1 central University Library, 28 staff, 4 Dept Database of TUK publications ( bibliographic records of documents of all types + citations) + Full Text archive (5.000 digital titles) CDS ISIS (1985 – 2000) Aleph ( ) Aleph + own DL system EPC TUK ( ) 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

8 Goals of TUK Digital Repository
Inside and outside university goals user orientation (easy submission, access to bibliography and statistics in various formats) support of regular accreditation and evaluation of faculties and individuals at the Ministry of Education SR preserve intellectual capital of TUK enable 7 x 24 access to textbooks and digital materials for the support of research and education cost effective and flexible future extension to submission of other content (student’s thesis, author’s pre-prints) enhance alternative scholarly communication model support of interoperability with other systems (ProScientia, OAI repositories) 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

9 EPC TUK functional model
4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

10 EPC TUK technology overview
4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

11 TUK repository documents
4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

12 Creation of TUK repository
Co-operation at whole university level definition of organizational rules and procedures creation of repository policy and its flexible control creation of the technical infrastructure Co-operation at library level, concerns all library departments and staff 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

13 First outcomes, experiences
Jan 2003 –implementation of EPC TUK electronic submission system (metadata and upload of files) through dynamic web forms digitization unit web based outputs and statistics user support (online helps, trainings) 3 times more publications submitted per year Same staff at cataloging (descriptive metadata created directly by staff) with added new tasks Need for sources (highly qualified IT staff, technology), better co-operation, marketing, training 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

14 Future Development and Projects
Internal Development next EPC TUKE system development implementation of OAI PMH guidelines for TUK repository National co-operation Project Digital library of thesis and dissertations of 15 Slovak academic libraries at 12 universities, Ministry of Education, central IT project for 2004 International co-operation Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations ??? 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

15 Access and Contact Milena Maťašovská Tetřevová
Žigmund Maťašovský University Library Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

16 Thank you ! Dziękuję ! 4/15/2019 IATUL Cracow, June 2004

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