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Published byOnni Jokinen Modified over 6 years ago
Soil Biology – A Primer* Who is who & What do they do?
* primer isn’t a complete review of Ch 11
Learning Objectives List the major groups of soil organisms …
Identify the roles of organisms Draw a simplified soil food web ... Describe the conditions affecting growth… Discuss the beneficial functions …
Classification – A means to make sense of the diversity
Taxonomic groups (plants, animals, bacteria, fungi, protista) Functional groups & size (microflora vs. macroflora/fauna) – Table 11.1 Carbon/energy source (detritivores vs. fungivores; autotrophic vs. heterotrophic) – Fig 11.1, Table 11.3 Environmental tolerance (thermophiles, anaerobes, etc.) Predators, herbivores, detritivores Autotrophs, heterotrophs Anerobic, aerobic, facultative
Prokaryotes Eukaryotes Taxonomic groups: Bacteria Archaea Protists
Phylogenic Tree of Life Prokaryotes Bacteria Archaea Eukaryotes Protists Fungi Plants Animals Fig c/o Diana Nemergut, INSTAAR Source: Norman R. Pace. A Molecular View of Microbial Diversity and the Biosphere. SCIENCE VOL MAY p 734ff (Pace 1997)
Biological Kingdoms Taxonomic groups:
Important Groups of Soil Organisms
Size, functional groups: Important Groups of Soil Organisms Macroflora Microflora Macrofauna Vascular plants, mosses (autotrophs) Vascular plants (root hairs), algae, actinomycetes, bacteria, and fungi (auto- and heterotrophs) Vertebrates, arthropods, earthworms, snails… (herbivores, detritivores, predators) Mesofauna Microfauna Arthropods, worms (detritivores, predators) Nematodes, protazoa… (detritivores, fungivores, bacterivores, predators)
{ { { A cup of soil contains... Bacteria 200 billion Fungi Microflora,
Size: A cup of soil contains... Bacteria Fungi Protozoa Nematodes Arthropods Earthworms 200 billion { Microflora, or “microbes” See text Table 11.1 100,000 meters { 20 million Microfauna 100,000 { 50,000 Macro- and mesofauna * Fungi, their own separate kingdom <1 Immobile organisms all primarily found in the rhizosphere, the zone of soil closest to plant roots
Relative Sizes Animated gif – view in slideshow mode
Note ruler for scale Web site: search “microbe zoo Dirtland”
Microflora heterotrophs (bacteria, fungi) & autotrophs (algae, cyanobacteria) the primary decomposers release plant available nutrients stabilize soil aggregates Soil bacteria Soil fungi
Aggregates held together by:
Microflora – hyphae clay Aggregates held together by: Fungal hyphae Bacterial “glues” Organic matter sand silt bacteria
Fungi The major agent of decay in acid environs
Microflora – Fungi The major agent of decay in acid environs Network of hyphae: improves soil structure Decomposition of cellulose!!! Can compete with higher plants for N N.B. – Fungi are in their own separate kingdom from plants: they are non-photosynthetic, and their RNA is actually more like animals, than like plants.
Bacteria Exist in both forest and grassland soils
Microflora – Bacteria Exist in both forest and grassland soils Aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative forms Autotrophic and heterotrophic forms Most do best under high Ca2+, high pH Do best when soil temp 20-40C (68-100F) but seldom killed by temperature extremes
Fungi vs. bacteria Microflora – Fungi Bacteria
Single-celled, can form colonies Tube-like body; hyphae Aerobic, anaerobic, and facultative species Aerobic only Rapid regeneration time (hours); can respond quickly to nutrient additions Generally slower growth rate
Microfauna Ciliate heterotrophs; some parasitic Flagellate
feed on bacteria and fungi release plant nutrients – protozoa KEY for N Flagellate Amoebae Nematode Nematode eeee!
Nematodes (non-segmented, round worms)
Microfauna – Nematodes (non-segmented, round worms) Widely distributed in forest soils Saprophytic and parasitic groups Some predatory species attack tree roots and cause damage
Protozoa Microfauna – Most abundant of all soil fauna One-celled
Feed on bacteria Up to 30% of all mineralized N from protozoa
Mesofauna heterotrophs (detritivores, predators)
feed on fungi, protozoa, nematodes, mites important in regulating populations of everything smaller Fungus feeding mite Nematode feeding mite Collembola (springtails)
Macrofauna heterotrophs shred plant material
feed on bacteria and fungi associated with organic matter Photo by Suzanne Paisley
Earthworms Macrofauna –
Probably the most important component of soil fauna (not in acid soils, not in very dry soils) Pass as much as 30 tons/ha of soil through their bodies each year Excreted casts higher in N, P, K, Ca, Mg, pH, & CEC Promote good soil structure and aeration
Earthworm casts vs. soil
Macrofauna – Earthworm casts vs. soil Characteristic Earthworm casts Soils silt & clay (%) 22.2 Bulk density (g/cm3) 1.28 Structural stability 65 CEC (cmolc/kg) 3.5 38.8 1.11 849 13.8 From text Table 11.6
Dung Beetles Macrofauna – Key disposer of elephant dung
and so a protected species! (you can imagine the ‘or else’…) Amboseli National Park, Kenya by Andy Lyons Amboseli National Park by Howard Norfolk Tembe Elephant Reserve KwaZulu Natal, South Africa Addo National Park, South Africa
By Mendenhall c/o American Greetings
Influence of soil biota on soil processes
Ecosystem Function – Influence of soil biota on soil processes Nutrient cycling Soil structure Microflora Microfauna Mesofauna Macrofauna Break up O.M., mineralize and immobilize nutrients Bind aggregates, hyphae entangle particles Regulate bacterial and fungal populations Indirectly affect structure Regulate above pops.; fragment plant tissue Fecal pellets, pores Fragment plant tissue Mix O.M. and mineral soil; pores; feces
Recall: Rate of decomposition depends on –
Ecosystem Function – Recall: Rate of decomposition depends on – Physical and chemical nature of the litter material Temperature and moisture of the soil environment Aeration (vs. anaerobic) The kinds and numbers of soil fauna More bugs, and more different kinds of bugs, means more decomposition
Ecosystem Function – Soil Food Web See also text Fig 11.1
Some generalizations . . . Forested soils more biologically diverse
Ecosystem geography – Some generalizations . . . Forested soils more biologically diverse Forested soils dominated by fungi Faunal biomass (and activity) greater per ha in grasslands Cultivated soils least diverse, less biomass, fewer organisms cf. text Table 11.4 (p. 453)
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