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8th Grade Reading Mr. Marc, Mrs. Andrews, & Mrs. McFarlane

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1 8th Grade Reading Mr. Marc, Mrs. Andrews, & Mrs. McFarlane
McClure Middle School

2 What is different about 8th grade?
In preparation for high school, we expect our Eighth Graders to: Take ownership and responsibility for academics Initiate conversation with teachers regarding grades Accept responsibility for behavior Move from “problem-identification” to “problem- solving” Learn and grow! Explain SSR: 15-20 minutes Students respond on bookmarks Minimum of 10 bookmarks per grading period Bookmarks are tracked on the charts Students can turn in bookmarks when they want! Skill Building Lesson Currently, we are working on text structure of nonfiction text, such as Compare and Contrast, Cause & Effect, Time Order, Problem/Solution, and Description. We will continue to revisit this unit throughout the year as reinforcement.

3 What is the purpose of Reading class?
To significantly improve reading for all students through analyzing the structure of various texts through the use of research-based reading strategies. Also: students in 8th grade must pass the Reading portion of the CRCT in order to be promoted to high school. Students that do not pass have the opportunity to retake the CRCT in CRCT summer school. Additionally, students must show a significant improvement in reading comprehension, strategies, and reading level in order to be recommended for foreign language.

4 We will focus on the following areas throughout the course of the school year:
Acquiring Literary & Academic Vocabulary Analyzing Fiction, Nonfiction, & Informational Text Practicing reading fluency & comprehension Visit for new standards Nonfiction includes all varieties: Text books Consumer and public documents (telephone book, drivers manual, instruction manuals, etc.) Informational articles Literary Genres Students will be exposed to all types of genres through novel studies in Reading and Language Arts, and also through the million words campaign in the Media Center. Reading Strategies are taught and practiced throughout the course of the year in all units. I will be working with individual students in areas such as questioning, predicting, connecting, and inferring as the need arises. Vocabulary of nonfiction text and the reading process are taught throughout the course of the year.

5 Grading Policy PPP- Preparation, Participation, & Practice 15%
Tests/Writing Pieces/Projects 15% Quizzes/Journals 25% Class work 30% Self explanatory….

6 What is aN Online reADER Response Grade?
ISTE [International Society for Technology Education] technology standards state that students should be able to use a variety of digital resources and tools to communicate and collaborate with peers, family or school personnel. The ability to use and other online communication tools is a valuable skill in today’s world for purposes relating to education and the workplace. Students will create a post on Edmodo weekly, to respond to what is read in class! This will give students the opportunity to make connections, question, analyze, visualize, compare and contrast what we read to the real world, their lives, and the lives of others. (Each assigned post will be worth 5 points.) Students will complete a binder check on Fridays to make sure that required class notes are in tact and organized within the reading section of their binder. (Each assigned binder check will be worth 5 points.) Students will receive an Online Reader Response grade approximately every 2 weeks in this class (for a total of 20 points).

7 Textbook Info Reader’s Journey Issued to each student
Replacement cost: $13.50

8 Required Materials SUGGESTED MATERIALS:
Section in your binder for reading materials The Giver by Lois Lowry (currently on Ch. 11) Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins (by mid-September) SUGGESTED MATERIALS: Plastic sheet protectors Highlighter Pencils Blue or black ink pens Students should have a 3 ring binder for this class. All materials and notes for this class should be filed in the notebook for future use. The book is the student’s choice and will be discussed in just a moment. The Readers Handbook is the only text we use in Reading.

9 Contact Information Phone: Blog: or

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