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Trying New Things.

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Presentation on theme: "Trying New Things."— Presentation transcript:

1 Trying New Things

2 What if we were all the same…
In The Lego movie, everyone is encouraged to like the same things, do the same things, and never think for themselves The BAD GUY, Lord Business, tells them to do this through the instructions, songs, and TV shows from his company, Octan. In the end, we learn that it’s better to be unique, be ourselves, be special and try new things… (Start at 3:10) It’s GOOD that we all like and do different things!

3 The world is much more awesome because…
Some of us like the same stuff Some of us like different stuff If someone like something that is different than you: Don’t say “THAT’S DUMB! YOU’RE DUMB FOR LIKING THAT!” Do say “What do you like about that?” “How is that different from the thing I like?” “Will you show me that?” “Have you ever tried the thing I like?”

4 Trying New Things It’s good to try new things.
When you try something new, you learn more about the world and about yourself. You might find something new that you like OR something you can have in common with a new friend! If you don’t like the new thing, you can: Politely say “No thanks” the second time someone asks you to try. Say “__________ isn’t my favorite, but I do like _____________.” Find something good about the thing and compliment it. Write this stuff in your notebook!

5 Try your new skills!
If you don’t like the new thing, you can: Politely say “No thanks” the second time someone asks you to try. Say “__________ isn’t my favorite, but I do like _____________.” Find something good about the thing and compliment it.

6 If you don’t like the new thing, you can:
If you don’t like the new thing, you can: Politely say “No thanks” the second time someone asks you to try. Say “__________ isn’t my favorite, but I do like _____________.” Find something good about the thing and compliment it.

7 Did this guy follow the rules? How would you respond to him?
Help others learn that it’s ok to like different things/try new things by reminding others and showing it yourself! …and anyone who likes snow is stupid.

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