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Wellbeing Wheel For all children and young people to grow and develop they need to be:

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2 Wellbeing Wheel For all children and young people to grow and develop they need to be:

3 Wellbeing Indicator: Respected
What does the word respect mean to you?

4 Wellbeing Indicator: Respected
Listened To Makes Choices Ideas are Valued Involved

5 Wellbeing Indicator: Respected
Part of being respected, is that you are given a voice and are involved in the decisions that affect your wellbeing. Can you think of a time that you have felt respected?

6 Respect means thinking about other people and their feelings.
What Is Respect? Respect means thinking about other people and their feelings. We can show respect in many ways, through how we act and in what we say.

7 Who or What Should We Respect?
Teachers Our family Different faiths and beliefs School The environment Friends Our self Can you think of anything else?

8 How Can We Show Respect in School?
listening to others including others in our activities We can show respect by: following school rules waiting your turn cleaning up after ourselves saying kind things to others using good manners

9 How Do We Respect Ourselves?
Not only is it important to respect others, it is just as important to respect ourselves. We should look after our bodies. We should follow our dreams We should love ourselves and realise all of our good points.

10 How Do We Respect Ourselves?
At break time, Scott and Ann ask to join in with football. Sam ignores their request because he doesn’t think they can play and he carries on. Tom stops playing and invites Scott and Ann to play. Who is showing respect or disrespect? How?

11 How Do We Respect Ourselves?
Children in the school are asked their opinion about new playground equipment. One child is unhappy because he doesn’t get the piece of equipment he wants, he then starts to put others’ views down. Who is showing respect or disrespect? How?

12 How Do We Respect Ourselves?
At lunchtime, some children leave the dining room in a mess because they are in a rush to go out to play. They then drop litter in the playground, some other children go and pick it up. Who is showing respect or disrespect? How?

13 “Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them.”
Thought For the Day “Respect the opinions of others even if you disagree with them.” Herbert H. Lehman


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