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Charter of Rights and Freedoms

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Presentation on theme: "Charter of Rights and Freedoms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Ms. A. Meisner

2 Key Sections of the Charter
Fundamental Freedoms Democratic Rights Mobility Rights Legal Rights Equality Rights Language Rights/Minority Language Education Rights Other Rights Enforcement Rights

3 Fundamental Freedoms Follow any religion you choose
Think and believe what you like Say what you think (within reason) Give your opinion in newspaper and media Meet peacefully with others

4 Democratic Rights Vote for candidates in elections
Participate in elections Run in elections Have the government meet at least once a year Have elections at least every 5 years

5 Mobility Rights Enter, remain, or leave Canada as you wish (your rights may be taken away if you are convicted of a crime) Move to and work in any province or territory

6 Legal Rights Feel free and safe Have a fair and quick public trial
Presumed innocent until proven guilty Be told why you are bring arrested

7 Equality Rights Everyone has the right to fair and equal treatment and cannot be discriminated against based on things like: age, gender, race religion, mental or physical impairments

8 Official Language Rights/Minority Language Education Rights
You can communicate with the government in either English or French You have certain official education rights depending on the language you speak and where you live. Ex. English speaking person living in Quebec (French speaking province) has the right to attend school in English

9 Other Rights Follow existing Aboriginal and treaty rights
Uphold the multicultural heritage of Canadians

10 Enforcement Rights You have the right to go to court if any of these rights are denied

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