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How to write 10 mark sociology questions

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1 How to write 10 mark sociology questions

2 10 mark ‘outline and explain’ questions
These require you to outline and explain two factors, features, functions, ways, problems, advantages, disadvantages, criticisms or other issues in education. They can occur on BOTH papers For example… “Outline and explain TWO reasons for gender difference in subject choice” (10 marks) “Outline and explain TWO ways in which globalisation has affected educational policies in the United Kingdom” (10 marks)

3 How do you outline and explain then?

4 What does outline and explain mean?
Outline = basically means identify two factors, ideas or concepts which are fully linked to the question No need for an intro or conclusion Structure: Identify the concept… Explain – this means that… Apply to the concept of the question 15 mins = 400 words – examiner will only mark the best TWO – don’t write lots of explanations! Use a chain of reasoning….

5 Lets have a go! “Outline and explain TWO reasons for gender difference in subject choice” (10 marks) How would you answer this question? Which two reasons would you use?

6 Reasons… Content you could include… Peer pressure
Pupil’s gender identities Primary socialisation Gender domains School organisation and type (mixed vs. single-sex classes/schools) Gendered subject images Career preferences/gender segregation in the labour market

7 Have a go… Identify the concept… Explain – this means that…
Apply to the concept of the question

8 Model answer how many marks would it get?

9 Model answer how many marks would it get?
8 marks awarded First few lines show a reasonable introduction to the patterns of subject choice The answer looks at two reasons why there may be differences in subject choice between genders The first example is primary socialisation and discusses how factors in the home and wider society may impact on choices The second point is about the gendered aspects of subjects in schools and how teachers and other resources such as textbooks may impact on choice Both points are clearly explained with examples to illustrate Some appropriate analysis

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