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Accounting for people Dr Michael Reddy.

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Presentation on theme: "Accounting for people Dr Michael Reddy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accounting for people Dr Michael Reddy

2 Companies look after their human capital through a wide variety of Human Resource Management (HRM) initiatives.

3 HRM Retention Management Attendance Management Talent Management
Health Risk Assessment Employee Assistance Programmes

4 HRM initiatives are linked theoretically to performance and highlighted in discussion with the Finance Director.

5 Return on Capital Profit Margin Share Price Dividends
Financial Ratios Return on Capital Profit Margin Share Price Dividends Sales Per Employee

6 The link between HRM initiatives and the bottom line has to be intuitive because it can’t be directly measured. Can it?

7 HRM Financial Ratios Retention Management Return on Capital
Profit Margin Share Price Dividends Sales Per Employee Financial Ratios HRM Talent Management Retention Management Attendance Management Health Risk Assessment Employee Assistance Programme

8 Is it possible to connect them with a solid line and make the linkage predictive as well as intuitive?

9 HRM Return on Capital Retention Management Profit Margin
Share Price Dividends Sales Per Employee Financial Ratios HRM Employee Assistance programmes Talent Management Retention Management Attendance Management Risk Assessment


11 How might one design an audit to measure the value creation component of employee efforts?

12 Step 1 Decide on your top five HRM categories, like this:

13 Knowledge Accessibility
Leadership Practices Employee Engagement Knowledge Accessibility Skill Optimisation Learning Capacity Business Results Measures

14 Step 2 Assign five second order components to each headline, like this:

15 Five Areas of Investigation
Communications Inclusiveness Supervisory Skills Executive Skills Systems Job Design Mgmt Commitment Time Management Availability Collaboration Team Work Information Sharing Processes Conditions Accountability Hiring Decisions Innovation Training Development Priority of Learning Organisational Support Leadership Practices Employee Engagement Knowledge Accessibility Skill Optimisation Learning Capacity Business Results Measures

16 Step 3 Write three questions for each of the 25 sub headings, making them factual rather than related to beliefs, opinions or feelings. Test for validity and reliability.

17 Step 4 Put the questionnaire online and automate the scoring system.

18 Step 5 Publish the results like this:

19 Pinpointing Improvement
Critical Factors Knowledge Accessibility Workforce Optimisation The red squares indicate a low level of maturity in managing Human Capital. Blue squares indicate a high maturity in managing Human Capital HCM factors that are the most critical drivers of business results (I.e. sales, employee commitment, customer satisfaction) for this organisation at this point in its evolution Operating Divisions Plants

20 This puts human asset management on a par with all other company assets. It allows it to be seen where people’s contribution has a particular impact.


22 HRM Return on Capital Retention Management Profit Margin
Share Price Dividends Sales Per Employee Financial Ratios HRM Employee Assistance programmes Talent Management Retention Management Attendance Management Risk Assessment


24 People are vulnerable and volatile assets, subject to mishaps, decay and misbehaviour

25 Money is thrown away on a regular and predictable basis through unmonitored costs of certain human behaviours.


27 Locating and collating these costs is a chore and there is often little interest in doing this.

28 Profit and Loss: people costs are often an undershoot, and allow financial reports to escape closer scrutiny.

29 There is a need to account for people more accurately and more honestly in financial reports

30 There is a need to develop auditing tools to measure the contribution of people as creators of value

31 There is a need for methods of quantifying the costs of behavioural risks

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