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ICT Policy Support Programme in the CIP – WP 2009

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1 ICT Policy Support Programme in the CIP – WP 2009
Working Party meeting on Geographical Information Systems for Statistics, March 13, 2009 Krister Olson eContent and Safer Internet

2 Transition from eCp to CIP
eContentplus expired on 31 December 2008 Measures to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable continued under Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) Policy Support Programme ("ICT PSP") ICT PSP - one of three specific programmes implemented under the Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme ( ) ("CIP")* *OJ L310, , p. 15.

Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme (EIP) Information Communication Technologies Policy support Programme (ICT PSP) Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) Better access to finance for SMEs through venture capital investment & loan guarantee instruments Business & innovation support services delivered through a network of regional centres Promotion of entrepreneurship & innovation Support for eco-innovation Support for policy-making that encourages entrepreneurship & innovation Developing a single European information space Strengthening the European internal market for ICT & ICT- based products & services Encouraging innovation through the wider adoption of & investment in ICT Developing an inclusive information society & more efficient and effective services in areas of public interest Improving of quality of life Fostering energy efficiency & the rational use of energy sources Promoting new & renewable energy sources & energy diversification Promoting energy efficiency & new energy sources in transport ~2,170 M€ ~730 M€ 3

4 ICT PSP general objectives
To accelerate the development of a competitive, innovative and inclusive Information Society [CIP, chapter I, Art 2] In line with the three i2010 priorities [CIP, chapter II, Art 26-29] Implemented by projects, best practice actions and thematic networks, including actions for wide scale testing and demonstration of innovative public services with a pan-European dimension [CIP, chapter II, Art 30-32], policy analysis etc, promotion etc, and projects of common interest [CIP, chapter II, Art 32-35] 4

5 ICT PSP indicative budget
NEW in 2009 : extension of the areas to be addressed *This table is not including contributions from EEA or from other associated countries Support to the development of digital content fully integrated from 2009 [CIP, Title III, Art 50] (eContentplus own legal base for ) 5

6 What do we do in ICT PSP? Develop show cases of ICT based innovations
Ensuring wider deployment of these innovations Addressing barriers such as interoperability, risk, cost/benefit,.. Pilot and best practice actions with European dimensions Building on Member States initiative, ensure interoperability, share experience and risks Stimulating uptake and best use of innovative solutions Analyse current, and prepare for future developments Consensus and partnership building Exploring new solutions and EU-wide deployment and use Diffuse widely the results: Raising awareness, facilitate replicability, etc… 6

7 ICT PSP Website
also directly accessible from the general CIP portal Sitemap will include: Logo (branding) General information about the programme Dynamic newsroom Calendar Participating in ICT PSP Information about calls (WP and guiding documents) Expert registration and administration tool (expert database) Online project database Library with all relevant documents Frequently Asked Questions 7

8 Theme 6: Public Sector Information 2009 budget 9.5 M€
Maximise reuse of PSI in Europe and unlock its full economic potential Support Commission policy on PSI Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information (PSI Directive) Foster the wider use of geographic information/spatial data PSI Directive Directive 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 14 March 2007 establishing an Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the European Community (INSPIRE) Builds on eContentplus results

9 Maximise reuse of PSI in Europe and unlock its economic potential
Geographic information

10 Theme 6.2: Geographic Information Current Status
General situation on spatial information in Europe: fragmentation of datasets and sources gaps in availability lack of harmonisation between datasets at different geographical scales and duplication of information collection. eContentplus: 26 M€ funding to facilitate access, use and reuse of spatial data 12 projects contributing to the definition of common standards for the harmonisation of spatial data across borders

11 Geographic information Policy context
Key initiatives PSI directive INSPIRE initiative (INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe to make available relevant, harmonised and quality geographic information for the purpose of formulating, implementing, monitoring and evaluating Community policy-making. Related initiatives Global Monitoring for Environment and Security initiative (GMES) Shared Environmental Information System (SEIS) Group on Earth Observations (GEO)

12 Objective 6.2 Geographic information
Focus Foster wider use of spatial data by public and private sector organisations and citizens Support actions for increasing the use and reuse of harmonized and interoperable data sets related to one or more of the specific themes in annexes I-III of the INSPIRE directive through… …network services for sharing spatial data between public authorities and other stakeholders in the Community enabling the creation of value added services. Instrument: Pilot B for Stimulating innovative use of ICT in public & private sector Funding: funding M€ per project

13 Theme 6.2: Geographic Information What is it?
Spatial data as defined in Annex I-III of the INSPIRE Directive Annex I Coordinate reference systems * Geographical grid systems Geographical names * Administrative units Addresses * Cadastral parcels * Transport networks * Hydrography * Protected sites * Annex II Elevation Land cover * Ortho-imagery Geology * * covered by eContentplus projects

14 Theme 6.2: Geographic Information What is it?
Annex III Statistical units Buildings Soil * Land use * Human health and safety Utility and governmental services Environmental monitoring facilities Production and industrial facilities * Agricultural and aquaculture facilities* Population distribution – demography Area management /restriction /regulation zones & reporting units * Natural risk zones * Atmospheric conditions Meteorological geographical features Oceanographic geographical features Sea regions Bio-geographical regions * Habitats and biotopes * Species distribution * Energy Resources Mineral resources * covered by eContentplus projects

15 Objective 6.2: Geographic Information
Conditions and characteristics Demonstrate added value compared to eContentplus projects Support enabling services such as: visualisation of information layers overlay of information from different sources spatial and temporal analysis, etc and the implementation and exploitation of harmonized geographical data sets for improved access and reuse. Quality, quantity and selection criteria for content clearly defined; IPR for input and outcome cleared, critical mass for impact at EU level

16 Objective 6.2: Geographic Information
Conditions and characteristics cont’d Users and their needs at centre of approach proposal must rely on quantified analysis of demand Consortium must include content providers and users Demonstrate capacity to: achieve a broad consensus beyond the pilot beneficiaries on methods and standards involving all relevant stakeholders. explore possibilities of extending results to other strategic policy sectors (transport, agriculture, health etc) make full use of harmonized SDI (Spatial Data Information) in the Member States.

17 Objective 6.2: Geographic Information
Conditions and characteristics cont’d Improvements in availability, access and use monitored Measure progress in availability, access and use on the basis of quantified indicators at different stages during project Results must be endorsed and validated by the target users, accessible beyond the end of the project, use of open standards Exploitation plan for sustainability after funding Clear dissemination plan for optimal use of project results Synchronise deliverables relevant for INSPIRE data specification development with INSPIRE roadmap Cover multilingual aspects (where relevant)

18 Objective 6.2: Geographic Information
Expected impact Implementation of network services that … allow users to identify, access, use and reuse … in an interoperable and seamless way and for a variety of uses … aggregated geographical information … covering a significant part of Europe and … coming from a wide range of sources, from the local level to the European level

19 More information about Theme 6
InfoDay for Geographic Information in Brussels, March Further details, incl. agenda and registration facility, will be available at for queries on Geographic Information

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