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The Human Design Research Group

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Presentation on theme: "The Human Design Research Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Human Design Research Group
Goal: modeling/influencing human behavior and interactions at multiple scales Single person, 24/7 data (Brian) Pairs of people in conversations (Sumit) Large communities of people (Tanzeem) The Facilitator Room

2 The “I Sensed” Data Set: 100 days of a person’s life
Front Video 10am 10pm Rear Video Audio Orientation

3 Conversational Scene Analysis
Explain 1->2 Explain 2->1 Argument Agreement Rest

4 Identifying Groups in Communities

5 The Facilitator Room Take Sensor Measurements
7 5 6 8 2 1 3 4 Take Sensor Measurements of individuals as they interact Represent the Interaction Dynamics With a Dynamic Bayes’ Net (DBN)

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