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MATHS IS ALL AROUND US © Laser Learning Ltd 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "MATHS IS ALL AROUND US © Laser Learning Ltd 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 MATHS IS ALL AROUND US © Laser Learning Ltd 2014

2 It’s easy to be afraid of numbers
Afraid to be wrong Afraid to be laughed at Afraid to seem stupid Afraid to be discovered

3 Do children have an innate understanding of numeracy?

4 Yes They can recognise a small number of objects without having to count them They have an inbuilt ‘number sense’ So, what might go wrong?

5 How practitioners may negatively affect numeracy skills
Formalise number learning too early Don’t encourage exploration and experimentation enough Don’t provide enough problem-solving activities Don’t develop reasoning skills with ‘what if’ questions Make children afraid to be wrong

6 Maths is all around us

7 Taking opportunities Talk to children about maths
Ask children maths questions Set up activities that promote mathematical development Create a maths-rich environment Make good use of all of the everyday mathematical opportunities around you

8 Where’s the maths?

9 Where’s the maths?

10 Activity How do you help children to understand that it is ok to make mistakes? How do you react if you ask a child a maths-related question and they get the answer wrong? How does your reaction impact on the likelihood of them volunteering an answer next time? Talk over these points with a senior colleague or your line manager.

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