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Presentation on theme: "SPORT PORTFOLIO COMMITTEE"— Presentation transcript:


2 INTRODUCTION The purpose of the presentation is to provide an overview of what transpired in the 3rd quarter of the financial year (2017/18). The report reflects progress made to date against key strategic objectives and annual performance indicators as reflected in the Department’s Annual Performance Plan (APP). The report is submitted to the Audit Committee, National Treasury and DPME for performance monitoring purposes as prescribed. The report focuses on actual performance information for quarter 2 and predominately preliminary information for quarter 3.

3 Performance Q1 Achieved Not achieved Admin 1 2 33%
Active Nation % Winning Nation % Sport Support % Infrastructure % SRSA %

4 Performance Q2 Achieved Not achieved Admin 2 0 100%
Active Nation % Winning Nation % Sport Support % Infrastructure % SRSA %

5 Performance Q3 Achieved Not achieved Admin x 0 100%
Active Nation y 4 67% Winning Nation z 0 100% Sport Support q 1 83% Infrastructure r 1 50% SRSA %

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 2 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action 1.1 Performance assessments moderated for the previous financial year 100% - Assessments and Moderations for levels1-12 finalized and payments made for all those who qualified for bonuses and pay progression. Assessments and moderations for levels are not finalized because external panel members were not available to assist during November December 2017 All assessment and moderations to be finalized before the end of the 4th quarter of 2017/18 financial year Update: completed on 22/02/2018 1.2. Number of employees trained. 60 20 37 21 66 The high number than initially planned, accounts for additional staff members who were trained. Note: calculated the percentage (%) of the invoices paid within that particular month using the captured and authorized invoices as we report on the non-disbursed invoices the following month thereof. There is no reason of deviation.

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action 1.3. Number of client satisfaction survey reports presented at MANCO 1 - N/A 1 Internal Client Satisfaction Survey report presented Survey report presented to MANCO and adopted Submitted to the DG for approval and signing. Will be regarded as final once approved. 1.4 Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days. 100 100% 1 Invoice was paid late in November but achievement was rounded off to 100%. (Internal Audit to engage with the Finance Unit regarding audit-friendly form of evidence in this regard) Note: calculated the percentage (%) of the invoices paid within that particular month using the captured and authorized invoices as we report on the non-disbursed invoices the following month thereof. There is no reason of deviation.

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Active Nation Active recreation programmes implemented. 2.1. Number of recreation promotional campaigns and events implemented per year 4 Youth Camp Big Walk National Recreation Day Unite Campaign 1 UNITE Campaign(67 Minutes, Andrew Mlangeni) 3 Youth Camp Big Walk National Recreation Day 1:YC report NRD=no report BW=no report - 2 (5) 2.2 Number of people actively participating in recreation promotion campaigns and events per year Participants in the Youth Camp (2 250) Big Walk (25 000) National Recreation Day (10 000) UNITE Campaign (5000) 5000 UNITE Campaign 475 383 (67 Mins) 92 (Andrew Mlangeni) 37 250 (2 250) (25 000) (10 000) 2224 YC=2224 1 196 (3420) 67minutes implementation of this programme was not actioned as originally planned. As a result, the number of participants targeted was reduced. It still be possible to achieve the annual target with overflow from other events. If the BW and NRD numbers do not exceed their target, then, the annual target will not be achieved.

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Community Sport Sport participation opportunities provided to communities 2.3 Number of sport promotional campaigns and events implemented per year 3 Indigenous Games Rural Sport Development Programme Ministerial Outreaches 1 Rural Sport Development Programme 1, Close out report - 2 (3) None

Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action 2.4 Number of people actively participating in sport promotion campaigns and events per year. 5 136 Indigenous Games Rural Sport Development Programme Ministerial Outreaches 1836 Rural Sport Development Programme (RSDP) 2696 (1965 RSDP Ministerial Outreach) 1 300 Indigenous Games 1103 EC: 121 FS: 130 GP: 142 LP: 129 KZN: 116 MP: 146 NW: 120 NC: 78 WC: 121 - 3 451 More evidence awaited from provinces Conduct verification on all evidence on hand Sub-programme: School Sport School sport programme supported. 2.5 Number of national school sport championship supported per year. 1 National School Sport Championship. Winter Champs Close out report outstanding 2 (3) Summer report to be completed after debrief (Report to be made available after a debrief meeting) 2.6 Number of participants in national school sport championships per year. 5 000 4180 Athletes; Coaches; Managers and Technical Officials. 4 722 Verified participants’ information to be submitted with the closeout report.

Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination Provincial sport development programmes supported. Sector Funded from Conditional Grant. 2.7 Number of people actively participating in organised sport and active recreation events. EC:7077 FS:2768 GP: 51938 KZN:441884 LIM:9435 MP:37085 NC:9960 NW:5117 WC:7554 EC: 4 609 FS: 5 144 GP: KZN: LIM: 5 211 MPU:36 200 NC: 9 978 NW: 3 466 WC: 6 541 ( ) Provided separately per province on next slide The provinces will be followed up for better reporting 2.8 Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a district level. 40 500 15 000 35 433 2 979 55 433 (58 412)

2.7 Promote participation in sport and recreation. Number of people actively participating in organised sport and active recreation events Province Q3 Target Q3 verified achievement % achieved Reasons for deviation (extracted from Q3 report) Corrective action EC 30 000 4 609 15 Head Office battling to get numbers from districts A letter will be sent to the province demanding a plan on how they are going to ensure that they achieve the targets FS 19 500 5 144 26 No Q3 report GP 57 500 57 092 99 None N/A KZN 12 750 42 720 335 Collaborations with cooperatives led to the over achievement. LMP 4 900 5 211 106 MPU 36 200 121 December and Q3 reports not submitted

2.7 Promote participation in sport and recreation. Number of people actively participating in organised sport and active recreation events Province Q3 Target Q3 verified achievement % achieved Reasons for deviation (extracted from Q3 report) Corrective action NC 17 000 9 978 59 No Q3 report. No December report A letter will be sent to the province demanding a plan on how they are going to ensure that they achieve the targets NW 52 132 3 466 7 Poor attendance WC 25 310 6 541 26 No reasons received  TOTAL 69

2.8 Promote participation in sport and recreation. Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a district level. Province Q3 Targets Hubs & clubs supported % achieved Reasons for deviation (extracted from Q3 report) Corrective action EC 5000 0% No report was provided by EC in this regard A letter has been sent to the province to request and explanation and a recovery plan. FS No target were set for the quarter A letter has been sent to the province to request and explanation and a recovery plan GP The 3rd quarter report has not been received from the province A follow up has been made with the province. KZN The province did not perform at all in this quarter. LMP No Target were set for the quarter MPU No targets were set for the quarter

2.8 Promote participation in sport and recreation. Number of learners participating in school sport tournaments at a district level. Province Q3 Targets Hubs & clubs supported % achieved Reasons for deviation (extracted from Q3 report) Corrective action NC 750 1126 150% The province did not send the December report. However the quarterly target was exceeded. The achievement will be used as a benchmark for the next year’s business plan. NW No target was set for the quarter. Incase of deficit, a letter has sent to the province to request and explanation and a recovery plan. WC 2680 3404 127% For December the province has sent the same evidence to community sport, thus duplicating the evidence. The province has been requested to send indicator-specific evidence in this regard.  TOTAL 10 430 4 530 43% Only two provinces contributed in this quarter.

Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination Provincial sport development programmes supported. Sector Funded from Conditional Grant. 2.9 Number of schools, hubs and clubs provided with equipment and/or attire as per the established norms and standards per year. 2 500 1 000 932 276 schools, 451 hubs and clubs 1 573 Schools: 596 HUBS & Clubs: 977 - 1 332 (2 905) School sport evidence required reverification Will be covered in q4 report

2.9 Number of schools, hubs and clubs provided with equipment and/or attire as per the established norms and standards per year. Province Q3 Targets Schools, Hubs & clubs supported % achieved Reasons for deviation (extracted from Q3 report) Corrective action EC 130 135 Community-55% Schools-164% Community-Late deliveries Schools- A far higher number was reported however the evidence to that effect was not provided. Acknowledgement letters not signed. Community- A letter will be sent to the province demanding a plan on how they are going to ensure that they achieve the targets Schools- The province was asked to send the correct evidence. FS - No target for the quarter None GP Schools-400 59 Schools-100% Community-Zero Target Schools-Achieved Schools- Achieved as per the plan KZN Community-400 527 Schools-104 % Community-132% Schools-104% Schools-Zero target but the province started to roll distribution of equipment Schools- Benchmark for the next business plan.

2.9 Number of schools, hubs and clubs provided with equipment and/or attire as per the established norms and standards per year. Province Q3 Targets Schools, Hubs & clubs supported % achieved Reasons for deviation (extracted from Q3 report) Corrective action LMP 72 142 197 No target set for the quarter None MPU 71 - Zero target NC Community-35 Schools-48 Community-2 Schools-26 Schools-54% Schools-The province did not submit the December Report. However the number verified is less than the number reported. Some of the schools were supported twice and some acknowledgement receipts did not have school stamp and signature of the principal. Community-A letter will be sent to the province demanding a plan on how they are going to ensure that they achieve the targets. Schools-A letter was sent to the province to request for remedial action to meet the target.

2.9 Number of schools, hubs and clubs provided with equipment and/or attire as per the established norms and standards per year. Province Q3 Targets Hubs & clubs supported % achieved Reasons for deviation (extracted from Q3 report) Corrective action NW Community-63 Schools-60 Community-34 Schools-2 Schools-3% Schools-The kind of support the province provided is merely for the kids that were taking part in the national championships from different schools in December. Therefore the province did not support the school however the supported the athletes. This cannot be accepted under this indicator based on the TID requirements , even though there are supporting documents. Community-A letter will be sent to the province demanding a plan on how they are going to ensure that they achieve the targets Schools- A letter was sent to the province to request for remedial action to meet the target. WC Community-0 Schools-59 Community-71 Schools-0 0% Community-No target set for the quarter Schools-The province did not achieve the quarterly target. Community-Outstanding club will receive in Q4 Schools-A letter was sent to the province to request for remedial action to meet the target.  TOTAL Community-700 Schools-567 Community- 977 Schools-596 = 1 573 Schools-87% Schools-Most provinces underperformed in this quarter and letters have been sent to request for remedial actions.

Continues…….. PROGRAMME 2: ACTIVE NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Provincial sport support and coordination Provincial sport development programmes supported. Funded from Conditional Grant. 2.10 Number of athletes supported by the sports academies per year. 3 500 1 000 3154 1853 - 5 154 (7 007) None 2.11 Number of academies supported 35 10 15 4 25 (29) Deviation: Delayed or inadequate reporting by some provinces. Corrective: Provinces will be engaged further towards improving on their reporting.

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Scientific Support Scientific support services coordinated for athletes 3.1 Number of SASCOC MOU progress reports evaluated. 4 1 - 2 (3) None 3.2 Number of athletes supported through the Ministerial Sport Bursary Programme. 60 15 17 25 7 31 (38) Some Schools are still to claim or make corrections to their claim documents, where required. Once the logistics are sorted, the achievement will improve – in q4.

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Scientific Support Scientific support services coordinated for athletes 3.3 Number of athletes supported through scientific support programmes per year. 80 20 28 8 - 87 (95) 1. Some athletes could not be supported because of not having submitted the required reports. 2. Some claims were captured incorrectly by claimants. Follow-ups being made with relevant athletes.

Continues…… PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Scientific Support Government responsibility towards anti-doping supported. 3.4 Number of drug-free support agencies supported. 4 RADO WADA CDA SAIDS 1 2 3 (4) We assisted with the annual contribution of Comoros and Tanzania to WADA. Additional support to RADO to manage an anti-doping programme in the region focusing on elite athletes. None

Continues…… PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Major Events Support. Major events supported. 3.5 Number of major international events receiving intra-governmental support per year 4 1 *see names of events on the comments below. 2017 Shore Angling World Cup, Deputy Minister did official opening for this event, and it was approved by the Minister 5 None

Continues…… PROGRAMME 3: WINNNING NATION Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 3 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Major Events Support. Sport Tourism to South Africa promoted 3.6 Number of national and international sporting events, exhibitions or conferences used to showcase SA as a sports tourist destination 1 Status report - N/A None Sub-programme: Recognition Systems. Achievements in the sport and recreation sector acknowledged 3.7 Number of recognition and honouring events 5 Sports Awards Ministerial Outstanding Sports Performance Accolades events Andrew Mlangeni Green Jacket Programme Honouring Women in Sport Regional Sport Awards (RASA) 1 Honouring Women in Sport (G-Sport) Honouring Women in Sport (G-Sport) 2 2, Andrew Mlangemi Close out report and SA Sports Awards 3 (5) - Andrew Mlangeni -RASA - Honouring Women in Sport - SA Sport Awards

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 2 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q 2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q 3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation Service Providers. Good governance supported. 4.1 Number of good governance monitoring reports generated 4 1 - 3 (4) None Sport and recreation bodies supported. 4.2 Number of sport and recreation bodies receiving financial and non-financial support in an effort to assist them in meeting their transformation targets per year. 60 20 2 -Boxing SA -Sports trust 39 46 49 (95) The higher number supported was carried over from the second quarter target 4.3 Number of Sports Trust MOU Progress reports evaluated. 4.4 Number of Multi-purpose sports courts built 12 Note:4.2 Sport and recreation bodies have been urged to change their financial years to be in line with that of SRSA. Most of the sport and recreation bodies have started this process. (information retreived from Outcome 14)

Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 2 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation Service Providers. Transformation of South African sport adequately addressed. 4.5 Number of EPG Reports with comparative and NF-specific information on transformation. 1 - N/A Completion of the report is dependent on analysis of data sheets that are submitted by federations at different times. The report will be finalized by end of financial year 4.6 Number of NFs submitting completed datasheets on their transformation. 19 None 4.7 Number of NFs entering into transformation barometer agreements with the Minister. 15 4 Slow response from federations Follow up sessions with the outstanding NFs 4.8 Number of transformation status reports on NFs meeting their transformation targets. Note: 4.6 their evidence is sampled and verified, provided electronically.

Continues…….. PROGRAMME 4: SPORT SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 2 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: International relations Strategic bilateral relations managed and strengthened. 4.9 Number of bilateral engagements implemented. 3 1 3. a. Zimbabwe b. Cuba c. Australia 1. Bulgaria 2. Zimbabwe 3. Palestine - 4 At the time of planning, IR never anticipated that engagements could be done with more than one country in particular for this quarter as the quarterly target is 1. It is quite challenging to plan accurately on which country to engage on quarterly basis, however, we are being guided by the Annual Target. Participation in the strategic multilateral relations managed. 4.10 Number of status reports detailing multilateral engagements supported. 2. a. MINEPS VI b. UNESCO AUSC Region 5 Executive Committee Meeting and the Council of Ministers Meeting 5 N/A Note: 4.9 and 4.10 we have all their evidence.

PROGRAMME 5: SPORT INFRASTRUCTURE SUPPORT Programme / Sub-Programme / Performance Indicators 2017/18 Annual Target as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) Quarter 2 Progress Comments Quarter 2 Target as per APP Q2 Actual Quarter 3 Target as per APP Quarter 3 Output – Preliminary Q3 Actual Cumulative Reason for Deviation Corrective Action Sub-programme: Sport and Recreation facility planning. Access to sport and recreation facilities optimised 5.1 Number of provinces with a facility audit completed. 1 - N/A None 5.2 Number of community gyms and children's play parks constructed. 10 3 While achievement was reported for LP; EC; and KZN, it had to be supported by MoUs with relevant municipalities. The achievement status will be updated 0nce the completed evidence is received. 5.3 Number of municipalities provided with technical and management support. 30 26 32 (42)


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